Thursday 9 July 2015

8 Ways To Turn A Horrible Day Into A Positive Day

How To Turn A Horrible Day Into A Positive Day

Everyone can have a bad day. - Nikki Haley

What's the first thing you do when you're having a horrible day?

Do you become so negative you infect anybody who comes into contact with you? Only to regret it or apologize later?

Do you over think the situation, say horrible things to yourself, beat yourself up and over exaggerate everything?

Do you fall into self pity, self hate, turn off your phone and shut everybody out?

There are better ways to handle horrible days. We all experience them, and I'm no exception.

Here's how you can turn  a horrible day into a positive day.

1. Change your perspective.

When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It's all a matter of perspective. - Harvey Mackay

Perspective is defined as the way you see something. Your life and your attitude is a reflection of the way you see the world.

If you want to turn a bad day into a good day, all you've got to do is change the way you see it.

Instead of seeing it as horrible, negative, bad or ugly, see it as nothing more than a life lesson.

See it as nothing but an experience that's going to benefit you in the long run. Whether that's by making you a stronger, smarter, or wiser person.

That which does not kill us makes us stronger. - Friedrich Nietzsche

2. Get out of the "thinking zone".

You see when things go bad, horrible, and straight up ugly, we put ourselves in a mental prison.

And when we're in this mental prison, we do nothing but think, think, and think some more.

We think about how awful the situation is.

We think about how stupid we are, or how naive we are.

We think about how much of a failure we are, or how things just aren't going "right".

And we think about what we could of done better, and how we could of changed it.

In 4 words, we stress ourselves out. Because we're too busy sitting in the thinking zone!

The solution is simple. Get out of the "thinking zone" and stop stressing yourself out.

What's done is done. Winding yourself up like a clock isn't going to make your day any better. Only worse.

3. Look at things that have gone well.

What's gone well for you today? If today hasn't gone too well for you?

Don't say "nothing" because that simply isn't true. You're just focused on the wrong things so you're not able to see it.

If somebody reached out to help you today, that's something positive.

If an opportunity has come your way, an opportunity you've been expecting, that's something positive.

If you've received good news about that job you applied for, that's good news.

If your business has picked up all of a sudden and your seeing growth, that's good news. Am I right?

There's always something that's gone well within 24 hours, you just need to acknowledge it.

4. Slap some uplifting music on.

There's no better drug than music. I say drug because music is not only that addictive, but the feeling it gives you has no comparison.

Not only that, but music has the ability to improve your mood within such a short time.

Plus music has the power to make you happy, and release endorphin's in your brain (backed by science).

5. Avoid negative people.

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. - Joyce Meyer

And you can't have a positive mind If you're around negative people. The last thing you need when you're having a horrible day is to be around negative people.

Whether that's family, friends, associates, or naysayers.

You want your day to be as  positive as possible, not negative. And being around negativity won't solve your problem, it'll worsen it.

6. Be productive.

Being productive gives people a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that loafing never can. - Zig Ziglar

When I'm productive, even If I'm having a "bad" day, I feel so much better. You know why? Because I'm not focused on the negative.

All I'm focused on is producing, creating, reading, and working towards my goals. Nothing else.

The same thing works for anybody. When you're focused and productive, you don't have time to be stressing, worrying, and complaining.

The aim is to be more productive than unproductive.

That way, when you are having a bad day, it won't phase you as much. And you'll feel much better.

7. Do what makes you happy.

True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

When you're doing what makes you happy, what you love, and what you're passionate about, everything else gets blanked out.

You know the feeling when you're doing something you enjoy so much that you forget what time it is?

That's what I'm talking about. Do that, and commit to doing that everyday.

Then it'll be harder for you to ever experience a "bad" day.

8. Get out of the past.

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past. - Andre Maurois

If you're not careful the past will swallow you whole like an anaconda feeding on its prey.

Regardless of when your "bad day" started, it's now in the past. Even if the day isn't over yet.

Remember, the past is defined as something that's already happened. So If it's already happened, why bother with it?

Get out of the past and start focusing on something more meaningful. The past can't help you, won't help you, and doesn't care if you dwell on it.

If you got value out of this post, share it on social media and get the word out. Appreciate you taking your time out to read this!


Theo Ellis is a blogger, author, and entrepreneur who’s committed to giving straightforward advice to help others grow. Specializing in topics such as – self confidence, self improvement, happiness, discipline and time management. You can find out more about Theo at his website -

The post 8 Ways To Turn A Horrible Day Into A Positive Day appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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