Saturday 25 July 2015

7 Simple Tips To Get In Shape This Summer

how to get in shape for summer

how to get in shape for summer

Summer inherently is the best time of the year to get in shape. Warm weather, beach surfing, sun baths, short dresses--out of all the great things in summer, getting into shape is the hardest thing, right?

Wrong! If you do it correctly and in a healthy manner, getting into shape is the most fun thing to do. How about flaunting those tight and toned abs at beach parties and wearing those LBD's right away without hesitating. Feeling in shape and the best version of yourself brings great confidence, and there is nothing sexier than that!

1. Don't Find 'Quick Fixes', Start Up With Small Changes
Go for small consistent changes rather than jumping into a 10 or 20 day juice cleanse. There is no need to give up on carbs forever, they are equally essential, but taking carbs in small quantities would definitely help. Even the studies show that slow and steady lifestyle changes are far better to sustain, than taking a giant leap. These changes may vary from eating a healthy breakfast to doing morning cardio and light weights.

It's all about staying motivated, habits develops with time. Looking at that bikini you bought last year that does not fit you this year might help you stay motivated. Remember, the secret to getting in shape is making lasting lifestyle changes and keep moving in a positive direction.

2. Quit Dieting, Eat Healthy
First you go on a diet and eventually you go off of the diet. To have long lasting, positive changes with your body, improve your diet. Analyze your body and give it what it requires the most and leave what it doesn't. Don't just eat salads this summer, learn to incorporate a nutritious diet that makes you feel good from the inside out. Prepare a diet chart—add what to eat, delete what not to. Planning your diet is worth investing your time in.

3. Gear Up For Some Cardio Session
Leave the regular workouts that you've been following for so long and get your heart pumping first. After a long lazy chilling winter, you may want to give your muscles a jerk to give them a push. For cardio, aim for at least 30 minutes everyday. Besides, keep 45 minutes reserved for aerobic and fitness improvement for 5-6 days. If you don't like the gym, there is no need to hit it, until you are going for your cardiovascular training with low, moderate and high intensities. Run, jog, walk do whatever that suits your cardio session.

4. Go In For Some Strength Training To Build Lean Muscles
Strength training helps you maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind as well. It gives your metabolism a boost by improving your metabolic rate by allowing the body to burn more calories throughout the day. Moreover, strength training is important for building lean muscle mass and over all strength. It also improves performance, endurance, and energy levels. All this is important to maintain your weightloss goals over a period of time.
Tip: gyms are usually filled with dirt and bacteria, so try and shower with all natural soap to remain healthy and safe!

6. Hire Some Motivation
How? How can you hire motivation? If you are not able to kick start your summer workout and you feel a need for an extra boost, hire a trainer or work with a group. I know hiring a personal trainer could be a huge summer splurge, but you can do it for a few weeks or for a month. 'Consistency and accountability are two secrets of succeeding in any fitness routine.' Plus, hiring a trainer or joining a workout group helps you stay motivated and interested in whatever you are doing. A trainer helps boost your confidence and plan your fitness regimen practically and smartly. One-size-doesn't-fits-all, so workout the right plan for yourself.

7. Sign Up For Any Summer Event
It's not hard to get derailed during the summers with all the fun outdoor eating and drinking activities. Usually I do sign up for interesting and challenging events that come up almost each summer and train for them. Think: training for a marathon, triathlon or a Muddy Buddy - whatever is available in your home town.

This will keep you physically and mentally active during the summers and throughout the year, if you remain focused. For this, you just have to take control over your 'calories in' and 'calories out'. Losing weight and getting fit is a matter of how many calories you take in and how many of them you burn out. Simple, right?

Health is not a 30-day or a 60-day challenge, it's all about staying fit all through the lifetime. Remember, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, This is your time to start, though.


Evie Dawson is a fitness coach and health writer based in Boston, MA. Her passion is to encourage others to rediscover their lifestyle and get inspired for organic living.

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The post 7 Simple Tips To Get In Shape This Summer appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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