Thursday 23 July 2015

How To Stop Thinking “What If” And Start Living Your Dream

living the dream

When I was a kid, I was a child full of dreams. I dreamed of silly things like I wanted to be a Martian lawyer. I was so innocent that I was never aware how silly it was and just like other kids, I am careless and impulsive. I wanted to live my dream and so as a child I seek of every way possible. I bought an astronaut costume, I made an improvise space ship and I pretended to be a Martian lawyer. I am living in my own universe and I am very happy back then.

But then as I grew older and started dreaming of serious things, I become very cautions. I become very aware of my environment and the implications of my actions. Although, there is nothing wrong with that, but my awareness of my actions and how it can affect my life, started holding me back. Ironically, just when I become capable of reaching my dreams that I stopped doing something to achieve it.

Then, one day, I asked myself, what if I had done this and done that? Yes, I have achieved better things in life; I have things which I thought I wanted, things that I thought I wish to have, I really thought I have it all and yet I have never felt genuine happiness. It was then that I realized that where I am now is not really what I dreamed of. And so I started my journey towards my dreams and to live a satisfying life.

As I go on in my journey towards fulfilling my dreams, I have learned few things about life and this I wanted to share to you. Here are few tips that you can put into practice which can help you in reaching and living your dream.

Who Cares What Other People Think?

This wedding theme is the perfect example of not worrying about what others might think. Despite living in a country full of traditions, the couple had pulled off their dream wedding.

As human being, we are social animal. From the day we are born until our last breath, our lives depend on other people. However, because of this human nature, our decisions in life tend to rely on what other people might think as well. Yes, we all wanted to be liked and accepted by the majority but do we have to sacrifice our happiness just to be socially accepted by the society?

The problem with most of us is that we try really hard to fit in which is stressful and often confusing. Stop worrying about what people may think about you, they may not agree about your opinions in life, you may not conform to the majority but it is your happiness that you are seeking not theirs so why should you worry about not pleasing them.

Learn To Take Risks

Perhaps one of the reasons why we hesitate to work towards our dream is because we are scared to take risks and fail. As human beings, we fear to try out something new because we are afraid to fail. We have hesitations and we lack confidence in ourselves. But who will believe in us, if we, ourselves, don’t believe on what we’re capable of?

Never let the fear of failure get into you. Failure is normal… you get upset about it but then you have to let it pass, stand up and try again. Remember that behind every failure is an opportunity for you to grow and be better and these can help you reach your dreams.

Focus On What Is Happening Right Now

Though there is nothing wrong about planning for the future, sometime it takes over our life that we fail to appreciate the things that are happening right now. Sure, we want assurance that we are going to have a brighter future but that does not mean that we have to miss the chance of living the moment.

Focusing too much in the future can hold us back in trying out things that can make us live a meaningful present life. A lot of people want to be successful in the future and because of this goal, they work hard, they push their limits. They refuse to see the present. Little did they know that there are a lot of “on that very moment” situations which actually bring them closer to their dreams.

You only live once (YOLO) and living a life full of “what ifs” is boring. Life is all about taking chances, so take the challenge and hold on to your faith. Remember, the road towards fulfilling your dream is rough. Along your journey, there will be roadblocks and if you live your life holding back you will never achieve the genuine happiness you are seeking for.


Key Acanto is a content editor of As a content writer, Key loves to share her knowledge and insights about health, lifestyle and self-development topics. She believes that learning is a never-ending process, thus, she loves exploring things that could help her grow as a person. She spends her spare time outdoors with her daughter, Hannah, and their dog, Flynn. Stay connected with her through her LinkedIn account.

The post How To Stop Thinking “What If” And Start Living Your Dream appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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