Thursday 23 July 2015

25 Supermarket Tips for You to Check Out!


Have you ever found yourself walking out a supermarket with a lot of purchases and a larger bill then you originally intended? Ever wonder why sometimes the foods you have purchased do not taste fresh?

Check out the below tips before you go to the supermarket next time!

1. Filling Your Shopping Cart? No No NO!

shopping cart 2

Did your eyes deceive you, or did your shopping cart just look bigger? The carts are actually getting bigger so that it can trick your mind to purchase just a little more to fill it up. Be mindful not to fill up your shopping cart. Try to use a basket or just carry what you need to purchase – straight to the cash register!

2. Gotta Get A Cake? Order ahead!

birthday cake

Ever need to purchase a cake in a hurry? Try not to purchase on the day you need it, as the only cakes available are older and lack texture and taste. If you order ahead a few days earlier (or even on the phone), you can request them to make a fresh cake for the day you pick up.

If you must purchase in a hurry, look at the dates of all the cakes and select the furthest date out from the ‘it is good until’. I promise you, the date with the furthest date out will be the freshest one there.

3. Like to Hang Out at the Supermarket? Don’t Stay Too Long!


Some people enjoy going to the supermarket and looking around at the variety of products available. However, they are available there for one reason – for YOU to purchase! As you stay longer at the store, you are bound to see something you want to try or something that provokes a past memory or desire, prompting you to make the purchase. You might say, ‘it’s on sale so why not purchase now’? Or think, ‘I sure would like to have some of those chips, or cookies, or drink again’. All of these excuses get you to purchase more as you stay longer at the supermarket.

4. If It Is In the Circular Ad, It Must Be On Sale. – WRONG!

sale tag

The items in the circular ads are all nice and bright, nicely arranged, and made to capture your attention. Although many would think all the items on the circulars are on sale, that is incorrect. Many items that are advertised are at its usual full price, just placed in the circular to get your attention.

5. Buying Fresh Bread? Take Off the Paper Bag!


Fresh bread looks fancier in a paper bag, but unfortunately it goes stale faster. If it goes stale faster, guess who will be making another round to the supermarket? You! What can be done? Slice it up and put it in a container or use a plastic bag to wrap it.

6. Don’t Mind the Expiry Date on Food Items? Ask for A Discount!


Have you ever seen products in the meat or bakery expiring the next 1 or 2 days and back away from purchasing? If you are going to eat it right away or don’t mind consuming something about to expire, ask for a discount. This will help the supermarket get rid of the item, and you get to save some money in the process! If the supermarket refuses, you lose nothing!

7. Shop on Weekdays? Potential to Shop Less!


When the store is more crowded, some people may tend to psychologically shop more to ‘go along with the crowd’. It is similar to seeing a lot of people crowding around something, and you instinctively follow to see what is attracting so many people’s attention. Avoid shopping on weekends like the plague!

8. Making a List to Go By? Don’t Stray Away From the List!

check list

Want to be more practical? Make a list of items you need to purchase and stick to the list. Checking the list off as you go is helpful. If you would like to have a little fun, set a small challenge to finish your shopping in a certain amount of time.

9. ‘My, Those are Pretty Flowers and Pretty Cookies! Oh Yeah, It’s THAT Holiday!’ Stay Focused!


The floral and bakery sections are placed near the front entrance to attract shopper’s attention to purchase something. Perhaps it is to remind you that it is Valentine’s Day or some other commercial-driven holiday of the 365 days in our calendar year. Stay focused on what you need to get unless you really have the intention to get something from those sections.

10. It’s Sure Is A Long Way to Get Those Eggs and Milk! Get Your Priorities Straight!


The dairy and egg sections are generally in the back or sides of the supermarket. These essentials force you to walk back to these sections, hoping you will pass other aisles that may have products that just may also capture your attention to buy.

As these products are also refrigerated, it is also not likely you will shop around long after getting them. If these are the only things you need, make sure you get these items first.

11. My, Those Look Like Fresh Fish On Ice! Check Out the Frozen Section for the Same Fish.


Most fish are cleaned and frozen aboard the catching vessel. The fish in the supermarket may simply just be thawed, sliced, and placed for you to think it’s fresh fish when it’s the same as the fish fillets in the frozen aisle. Check the frozen aisles for the same tasting fish.

12. Want to Try Some Free Samples While Hungry? Go Shopping When You Are Full!


Free samples don’t hurt, right? Anyway, it’s offered to you for free and anything free is good, right? Well, samples are there to get you to purchase the actual product. If you taste something you really like, you are more tempted to purchase it. But it is better to not taste, then taste and lose a few bucks! How can you help make sure that happens? Make sure you are full before visiting the supermarket. You are less likely to taste (and purchase) any foods when you are not hungry.

13. Got Kids? It’s Hard to Say No to Them, Right?


Generally products that target kids are placed on lower shelves so that it catches the attention of your kids. Once your kids begs you to buy, it’s difficult to look into their big, soft eyes and deny their request. If possible, try to shop when your kids are busy at school.

More expensive brand names are also more at eye level or easier to notice than cheaper, no-brand products. Be sure to look around before finalizing on something that is just easier to get.

14. Regularly Purchasing Something? Keep Your Receipts.


If you are regularly purchasing something and consuming it regularly, it may help you save some money. You can keep track of the prices of items you purchased before at the same place or other places. You can compare whether a product is on sale or whether one store sells it cheaper than others.

15. End of the Aisles Are Bargains? Not Necessarily!


The products placed on the end of the aisles may not necessarily be bargains. They are certainly there to capture your attention, but the prices may not always be a bargain.Try to compare prices before you shop in order to see whether it is indeed a bargain deal.

16. Waiting in Line to Check Out? Try Using the Time to Think ‘Do I Really Need That Item‘?

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The longer you stand in line, the possibility of you dropping products off is higher. As you wait in line, don’t think about what else you need to buy, think about what you don’t really need.

The sales associate will likely be peeved at you for dropping things off on nearby shelves at the checkout sections making it look messy and unorganized and of course messing the inventory up. Everyone is guilty in at least doing this once in their lives. Perhaps it is better if we decide not to purchase something to give it back to the cashier so at least they are aware that they have inventory that’s not in the correct location.

17. Name Brands or Generic? Go the Generic Route!


Like medicine, go for the generic brands for the food products as well. They taste the same as the brand names and cost much cheaper! It does not hurt to at least try once to see whether generic is acceptable or not as per your standards.

18. The Candy is Calling Out For You! So is the Gum! Impulse Buy? Don’t Fall For It!


Bored and waiting in line, maybe some chocolate, candy, gummy bears, or a new type of gum is drawing your attention? All of these are impulse buys designed to torment you as you wait in line to purchase the things you actually need. Use the self-check out line instead!

19. Can Coupons Save You Money? Not Necessarily.


Most coupons are only valid if you purchase more volume. How annoying are the coupons that say buy three boxes and get 50 cents off of the whole purchase? Now, is it really worth it? Other coupons are made to entice you to purchase a product. Some consumers would say coupons are all a waste of time.

20. Need Produce? Buy Fruits and Vegetables When They’re In Season.

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Fresh fruits and vegetables are cheaper when in season due to bulk availability. Do some research to see when certain fruits and vegetables are in season and try purchasing them during those times (or eat dishes related to specific veggie or fruits). You may be able to save some money in the process.

21. It’s ‘Natural’ So It Must Be Organic? Do Not Assume It’s Organic!


Products with labels that say ‘natural’ may not be entirely organic. It is best to check the ingredients list before assuming it is organic. In addition, even if you go to the organic brand store, not everything inside is organic. If it does not say organic and says conventionally grown, then it is not organic. Research is key. Do not go in and purchase blindly assuming you are purchasing fully organic products.

22. Those Prepared Foods Look So Good. Do They Use Fresh Ingredients?


Sometimes supermarkets like to reuse produce that doesn’t sell in time to cook or make prepared foods for customers. Although the dishes look tasty, it may not as fresh as you think when you do eat it. Some pizzas are from the same frozen pizzas in the frozen aisle!

23. The Cheese and Deli Section Seems More Unique and Fresh. Is it really?


Try checking out the pre-packaged section to see whether they have the same type of cheese available. It is likely more cheaper than the cheese you ask to be sliced. Pre-packaged foods generally taste the same as the products in the cheese section. Cheese from the cheese section may also be more exposed and likely to have multiple people touching it.

24. Worried About What’s In Your Ground Meat? Ask the Butcher to Grind A Fresh Piece.


If you buy a fresh piece of roast and ask the butcher to cut it up for you, then you don’t have to worry about what’s in your meat. Contamination is also lower as it is meat from one cow. (In my personal opinion, it is best not to eat red meat at all!)

25. Who Cleans the Produce After Someone Touches It? How About Shopping Carts? The Answer is You!


In a supermarket, lots of people likely have touched your fruits and vegetables before you even got your hands on them. It’s a public place with lots of people passing through, which means lots of germs pass through as well. Some products get dropped on the floor, kicked around, and then put back up on the shelves for sale. Be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before you consume them.

Having started this list with a shopping cart tip, lets end it with another shopping cart tip. The shopping carts are never cleaned by anyone. It may look decent and clean, but it’s been handled by lots of people and touched by lots of babies, kids, and possibly sick adults. If sanitizing wipes are available, at least clean the handles.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 25 Supermarket Tips for You to Check Out! appeared first on Lifehack.

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