Monday 27 July 2015

20 Ways To Help You See Your Best Friend In A Whole New Light

20 ways to see your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

We’ve all got that bestie for the restie. You know each other’s sleeping patterns (because you’re messaging each other every waking hour), you know each other’s allergies, and you’re the only person who knows the full story about the broken curtain on the gym shower (and the resulting indecent exposure).

But what don’t you know? What secret traits and unseen sides lie hidden beneath that persona that you know so well? Here are 20 things that will help you find out – there may be even more reasons than you realize to love your best friend.

1. Visit your best friend at work

You’re used to seeing them in leggings or sweats, with cookie crumbs on their face. But what about in a tie and white button-down, laying down the law and being all serious and powerful? It might just take you aback.

20 ways to see your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

2. Live together for an extended period of time

Leave dirty dishes around the house, use the last of the shampoo, draw a territorial line on the carpet – living together will push you two to your breaking points. You’ll see those snappy red-mist moments in each other like never before. And your friendship will be the stronger for it.

20 ways to see your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

3. Visit a place neither of you have ever been

Time to whack out the rucksacks, the cameras, and the sunglasses and discover a new part of the world together. Expand your horizons as one and discover a new way to hang out. And of course, no trip is complete without an obnoxious picture posted on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

20 ways to see your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

4. Try the Insanity workout program together

This task comes with some fine print: You have to vow to stay by each other’s side (it may be the most difficult mission of your life). Because suffering together always brings people closer.

20 ways to see your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

5. Share tapas in a public place

When you can negotiate meals and swap and share your dishes, you know you have found a true friend. Because most people are like Joey. And Joey doesn’t share food.

20 ways to see your best friend in a whole new light. Lifehack

6. Be the big spoon after a night on the town

There’s nothing like a platonic cuddle to get you to sleep after a night of shots, tall drinks, shots, dancing, and shots. And it’s a plus to have your friend on hand for when your hair needs holding back in the toilet in the morning…

7. Attempt the impossible together

Whether this means climbing a mountain, starting a business together, or simply finishing the whole rack of ribs in TGIF, you’ll find new strengths, new weaknesses, and new glue to keep you stuck.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

8. Confront your worst fears as a team

Whether your bestie drops hot tea all over their lap, or calmly finds a book heavy enough to squash the eight-eyed monster gatecrashing your evening, you’re sure to find out about the real them during times of such extreme stress.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

9. Get lost on a road trip

Roof down, music up, wind in your hair – hell, this one’s just an excuse for a holiday! And getting lost is the best part, so go off-road and find new paths in each other.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

10. Go clubbing together stone cold sober

Do you both still bust out those moves and drop it like it’s hot in the middle of the dance floor when you haven’t knocked back a single stiff one? Only one way to find out…

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

11. Double date

When you’re vetting the new lad or lady on the scene, why not vet each other while you’re at it? Does your bestie act differently on a date? Do they nibble their lettuce leaves instead of tucking into that pork pie?

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

12. Start a club together

Dancing, life drawing, archery – whatever floats your boat. How is your bestie with an arrow? How are they when they lose? Meet the sweaty, tackling, red-faced version of your best friend and learn a hell of a lot about their competitive streak.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

13. No texting for a week

Can you make it through? It might be worth it to see your friend in the real rather than the virtual. See how excited you are when you meet up and have ALL of the things to talk about!

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

14. Buy a pet together

Whether it’s a fish or a donkey, enjoy mothering something cute and fluffy and watch the parental urges come to the fore.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

15. Spend a night in jail together

Inadvisable, but definitely perspective-changing.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

16. Write a song together

Get those creative juices flowing and who knows where they could take you – record deals, overnight fame, or perhaps just to a better understanding of each others’ sensitive souls.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

17. Write a book together

You really want to know those deep, dark, weird spaces of your best friend’s mind? Brainstorm the perfect story and watch it wind out of control as you create your masterpiece together.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

18. Have that raging argument that’s been building for weeks

Let off some steam and let it all out in the open – you’ll both feel the better for it, and you’ll unleash some tensions while resolving some issues. And of course you’ll bounce right back.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

19. Witness your best friend brush their teeth

You’ll never look at them the same way again. It’s an intimate moment – all that frothing and spitting. And it’s a great look into the domestic life of your bestie.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

20. Be there to watch them grow up and grow old

You’re best friends. You’ve seen it all. You’ve been there for each other. So stay there. Right to the end.

20 things that will cast your best friend in a whole new light, Lifehack

Featured photo credit: Lauren Rushing via

The post 20 Ways To Help You See Your Best Friend In A Whole New Light appeared first on Lifehack.

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