Saturday 25 July 2015

Top Home Cleaning Tips Experts Highly Recommend


I know it’s ancient, but the dictum: cleanliness is next to Godliness still rings true. Tidying up your place may help you have peace of mind and make you healthier, too. Add to that, you breathe in cleaner air if your home is spic and span and it’s easier to work when you have a clean and organized place. As a result, this condition may lead you to be more productive. Here are tips given by experts to make this essential ritual a breeze.

1. Collect trash

Grab a trash bag and act like a garbage collector. No need to mention it, but a trash bag is one of the best tools for fast cleaning. Scan every room for magazines, newspapers, food wrappers, old receipts, packaging, food trash, etc. Pick them up and dump them in the bag. Apply this tactic for the specific area you plan to clean. It could be just the living room and the patio because someone is arriving for a visit, or the entire house if they need to stay for the night. Focus on this only. Do not clean at this point, just collect trash.

2. Tote the tools

Keep every cleaning tool ready for use in one cleaning tote, basket, or bucket. This way, you won’t waste time gathering them when you need to start cleaning. Just bring the tote with you from one area to the next. In case you have big house, consider having more than one tote; one per area is ideal.

3. Schedule cleaning time and stick to it

Organizing household chores is crucial if you want to succeed in house cleaning. So experts strongly suggest you set an appointment with yourself to do your cleaning tasks. “Nobody hires a cleaning service that promises to arrive some random Saturday when nothing else is happening,” Ewer says. She further states, “take a tip from the pros and set up a regular cleaning schedule. Pros don’t quit until the job is done. Schedule the job and stick to it to get the work done in record time.”

4. Disinfect sponges

One of the dirtiest cleaning materials in the house is a sponge. It’s a magnet to gazillions of germs. However, I adore the sponges with rough sides. Scrubbing out hard-to-clean pots and pans with them can be done even with eyes closed. It’s a pity I throw them in the bin even before their expiration is over. Here’s what you can do to make them last. Feed them to the microwave for two minutes. You’ll see, microbes will sizzle and evaporate fast.

5. Pick things up prior to cleaning

You hire professional cleaners to clean, not to remove clutter from appliances, furniture, and your floors. They’ll be slowed down if all flat surfaces in your home are littered with toys, scratch papers, misplaced soiled clothes and other clutter. Ewer elaborates, “Pretend that you’ve hired a high-priced cleaning crew. You wouldn’t make them relocate the clutter just to be able to do their job. Give yourself the same head start — pick up before you clean.”

6. Find a Motivator

You can use motivators if you don’t want to get bored while cleaning your house. That’s what our house cleaning expert, Ewer, suggests. She also added, “Play your favorite upbeat music. Listen to a book on tape so you’ll feel as if you’re accomplishing two tasks at once.”

7. Invest in high-quality tools

Ewer says, “Professional cleaners don’t use gadgets. You’ll never find them toting specialized one-time-use tools or the latest gimmick hawked on a TV infomercial,” She adds, “Buy good tools — once — and use them, and you’ll be finished in record time.”

Featured photo credit: Home Cleaning/Photo Credit: ncmaids via Compfight cc via

The post Top Home Cleaning Tips Experts Highly Recommend appeared first on Lifehack.

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