Thursday 23 July 2015

8 Terrible Traits That Make You Unpopular


It seems fitting I would sit down to write this article on a Monday morning, a time when many 9-5ers are at their worst. We all have bad days, and probably exhibit these traits at least once in a while, no matter how good of a person we really are. However, if you find yourself exhibiting any of these traits on a daily basis, it might be time to seek some help before your actions begin affecting your relationships at home and at work.

1. You are arrogant

An elitist attitude will get your nowhere in life. To project to the world that you think you’re better than everyone else out there simply shows how short-sighted and narrow-minded you are. The smartest and most successful people in the world got that way because they know there is always someone better than they are, and they continuously strive to improve. Believing you’re the best will impede your progress, and leave you stagnant. You should always remain humble, and always look for ways to improve your skills in some way.

2. You are rude

Rude people have no filter, and don’t pay much attention to social conventions. They don’t take other people’s feelings into consideration, and believe the world exists only for them to live in it. Rude people often ignore others, and in turn are very lonely. You never know what connections you may make if you open yourself up to others rather than shutting them out. Even something as simple as holding a door open for someone could end up making his or her day. Being polite will almost certainly lead to bigger and better things.

3. You are dishonest

Everyone probably has told small lies once in a while. However, chronic lying can lead to disaster. Dishonest people try to weasel their way out of bad situations, instead of facing the truth and admitting mistakes. The problem with this is they must continue to construct lie after lie in order to hide the truth, while it would be much more productive to simply tell the truth and work toward improving their life from there. Obviously, people who lie are not trustworthy, and will lose friends and relationships if they continue to live a lie.

4. You are temperamental

Some people are so inconsistent with their moods that it’s impossible to approach them, since you have no idea which side you’ll be getting. Those that are happy one day and miserable the next (when there is no obvious reason for the change) are uncomfortable to be around, as they often can be “set off” by even the slightest occurrence. Try to stay even keel when interacting with others, regardless of what situations you’re dealing with in your personal life. That way, when you truly are upset about something (and deservedly so), people will support you rather than run from you.

5. You are unreliable

It’s one thing to not offer to help someone out, but it’s another to make the offer and not follow through. Friends and coworkers who say they’ll do something for you, but put it off til the last minute (if they get to it at all), have proven to you that they can’t be trusted. Once you offer to do something for another person, completing the task should be your first priority (barring emergency circumstances, of course). Showing you can be counted on is one of the most important personality traits you can exhibit if you wish to build on a relationship.

6. You are pessimistic

Nobody likes a “Debbie Downer.” Sure, there are a ton of problems in the world, but there is also a lot of good as well. Focusing on the negatives is no way to go through life, and no one will want to be around someone that always sees the glass as half empty. Even if things aren’t currently going your way, it never hurts to look on the bright side of life. Sure, things could always be better; but they could also be a lot worse. Count your blessings and give thanks for everything you do have in life, rather than wish you had more.

7. You are controlling

Controlling people micromanage the lives of everyone around them. The indication here is that they don’t give others credit for knowing how to live or do their job. Overbearing parents, bosses, and spouses leave others feeling unworthy and less likely to strive to do better. Controlling people are often abusive and condescending, and their counterpart will feel as if they have to walk on eggshells for fear of angering them. Being democratic and allowing others to be free to “do their own thing” will certainly lead to much better relationships across the board.

8. You are mean

I saved the most obvious one for last. Nobody wants to be around mean people who constantly angry at everything around them. Like rude people, they have no filter; however, mean-spirited people will actively go out of their way to upset others. If you’ve ever worked with a mean person, you probably have gotten that bubbly feeling in your stomach every morning before you stepped into the office. One bad seed is enough to bring down an entire environment. Though mean people will always exist, it’s important for you to combat the trend by being as kind as possible to everyone around you.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

The post 8 Terrible Traits That Make You Unpopular appeared first on Lifehack.

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