Wednesday 22 July 2015

8 Talking Habits Of Exceptionally Likeable People

likable people

For many of us, conversations can be hard work. The way that we talk and the words that we use will play a big part in making our conversations relevant and exciting for others – but is there any kind of winning formula that you can follow? Unfortunately not, but you will find that using these various habits of people who are well-liked within communities and businesses from around the world over will be extremely helpful:

1. Be Professional

The first thing you will notice in the talking habits of likeable people is that they are truly professional. They will make you feel at ease whilst always maintaining a professional style, ensuring that you can get the treatment you need without getting too out of touch with the original conversation. This makes a big difference in general, as you might be working with someone who isn’t very professional in their tone, which can lead to the room getting slightly derailed.

2. Don’t Lie

The main thing, though, is knowing that you are being told the truth. If you talk to someone and they start referring to things that never even sounded remotely possible, it can kill the conversation. A likeable person is truthful at all times, making it so much easier for you to just relax and enjoy the overall atmosphere of the interaction.

3. Make Chatting Relaxing

Talking to someone and feeling a bit uncomfortable at the way the chat is going? They need to work on their style, then! A likeable person will make a conversation easy to follow and really enjoyable for everyone to be a part of. This makes an incredibly big difference in terms of how the chat is going to go. They will make sure there is no tension or fear within the conversation, giving everyone the capacity to just relax and properly contribute to the conversation.

4. Be Respectful

A likeable person has a knack for being able to stop talking when you are trying to make your point, which is a much undervalued method of keeping conversation effective and easy. The best way to notice this in someone is when they are actually able to stop themselves from interjecting when someone else is talking – it’s a simple thing, but it’s incredibly effective and makes a massive difference to how you will be perceived.

5. Be Humble

Delusions of grandeur are common in modern life and for those who want to try and get themselves into the best positions in life, this comes from being able to realise they aren’t actually someone special. When you talk to a likeable person the first thing you will likely notice is the humility and the lack of ego that stands out so much in others. Did you find someone like this? Then cherish the time you have together as those without an overly rampant ego will be very useful!

6. Take Interest

When having a conversation, the idea is that you both talk about the same things. A likeable person will be referring to what you say, expanding on it with you, and making it a whole lot easier for you to just relax and enjoy the conversation instead of feel riled up or in an uncomfortable position at all. This makes a big difference in general and will make it a lot easier for you to get involved in a conversation with one another.

7. Be Relevant

When talking to someone who is very likeable, it’s because they often have something relevant to say. This is a big trait that might not seem to be overly important but when you can find someone who will give you the time of day, it really does make a massive difference to the way that you look at the world around you in general.

8. Be Genuine

The best part about a likeable person in conversation, though, is the fact that they are genuine. They forget that there was a main goal to the conversation, instead just enjoying your company and making you feel nice and secure within that chat. This is a big difference as those with a clear agenda will be happy to manipulate the conversation – and you – for their own needs.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 8 Talking Habits Of Exceptionally Likeable People appeared first on Lifehack.

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