Wednesday 15 July 2015

7 Signs You’re Destined To Be An Entrepreneur Even if You Don’t Feel You Are

entrepreneur freedom

We’re all entrepreneurs these days, aren’t we? We constantly sell ourselves with our appearance, our social online skills, and by bargaining with our friends and coworkers over decisions. Even more so, the Shark Tank TV show and online crowd-funding are all the rage. Everyone wants to be his or her own boss and enjoy a life of freedom. However, not everyone shares the same qualities that true entrepreneurs possess.

What do they have, that most of us don’t? How do these entrepreneurs take on challenges and get closer to their dreams?

1. They Are Highly Passionate

It all starts here. Passion is the engine that drives most entrepreneurs. If you can figure out the “why”, the “how” will naturally emerge. Dig deep and uncover your limiting beliefs towards success and also create a list of things you love to do. A limiting belief might be something like, “I need money to start a business”. No, you don’t. You only need passion to break through and wake up everyday feeling proud to do what you enjoy everyday — and maybe even change the world! Need some inspiration? Take a look at these billionaires who started with nothing.

2. They Are Incredibly Decisive

This is one of the most difficult to conquer. Well, for me at least. To be an effective entrepreneur, decisions need to be made quickly. Thinking on your feet will be required often. We can be ambivalent in certain situations, such as when hiring (or firing). Even seemingly simple decisions, like choosing the colors of a logo, can have so many options. Make a decision and move on. Entrepreneurs don’t look back and have the confidence to know that things will work out in some way or another. After studying 500 millionaires, it was found that decisiveness plays a very important role in accumulating wealth.

3. They Are Always Growing

Growth is a critical component for all entrepreneurs. This doesn’t only apply to business. If you want to be successful at anything, it requires that you constantly evolve in all areas of your life. This includes setting clear boundaries with your friends and family as well. You might feel like they don’t understand you or think you’re crazy. Who cares! Let them think what they want. Some ways you can grow outside of the business environment will pay on-going dividends towards your goals, like living a healthy lifestyle and reading… a lot. I read a few books each month. Typically, I awake at around 5am each day just to squeeze in some extra reading. Keep growth in all areas of your life a top priority.

4. They Are Laser Focused

Whether you want to simply create a successful blog as your business, or start a new coffee shop, or you want to become a venture capitalist, you must be highly focused and specific in your direction. This doesn’t mean you can’t take on multiple projects. It just means that each project should have a definitive understanding of the competition and industry in that space, the target customer and demographic, and knowing the benefits the product or services will provide. This last one is key. Most people market the features of their offering instead of the benefits to the customer. Focus on benefits and you will be way ahead of your competition as a sure sign towards entrepreneurship.

5. They Are Willing to Take Risks

I find that entrepreneurs are generally more open-minded in all areas of life. Taking risks is how we learn what works and what doesn’t, both professionally and in our personal lives. However, this should always come with a good amount of due diligence. Just like you wouldn’t jump out of an airplane without a parachute, it wouldn’t make sense to hire new staff or work with a vendor that you didn’t research thoroughly. In the beginning of a business, the risks are much higher and become more calculated as your entrepreneurial ventures grow. For example, when starting out, you will need to eventually risk that steady paycheck and have the confidence that your business will make it.

6. They Are Authentic

Some of the signs above might not completely describe or define you currently, and that’s okay. This sign is one that you’re much closer than you think to becoming an entrepreneur. Whether it’s in your body language, your personality, or how you speak, your authenticity needs to shine through. This will give you the freedom to follow your intuition and start the process of becoming an authentic entrepreneurial version of yourself. Your ambition will become contagious and people will become a magnet to your authentic self.

7. They Are Always Setting New Goals

And finally, all entrepreneurs set goals. They set goals in health challenges, project deadlines, forecasting revenue projects, and where they want to be in 3 months, 1 year, and 5 years down the road. I feel that you absolutely must write down your goals if you want to achieve them. Heck, your goal setting might simply start by being more authentic and recognizing when energizes don’t align with you or your business model. Keeping your goals to yourself is another important sign that you’re on your way to becoming an entrepreneur.

Wrapping Up

These signs are important in defining if you’re destined to be an entrepreneur. I hope some of the tips and additional links I provided are helpful for you to explore and find the confidence to follow your dreams of freedom. So many people don’t feel they have what it takes and get trapped in self-defeat. Take the first step and start your journey.

Just by reading this post… you are destined for more.

Featured photo credit: kosmos111 via

The post 7 Signs You’re Destined To Be An Entrepreneur Even if You Don’t Feel You Are appeared first on Lifehack.

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