Thursday 23 July 2015

7 Powerful Pictures To Make You Rethink The Way We Live

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Mexican designer Eduardo Salles is the standard bearer of the spirit of the cynics, drawing a smile every day with his absurd, illustrated humor. Check out these 7 powerful pictures he created!

5 Finger Personalities

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Here are the personalities for each of the fingers you use in your daily life! Your thumb is the one we use for everything, especially eating. Your index finger is the poindexter, it’s also the pointer. The middle finger is the thug, always bullying and being mean to others. Your ring finger is…confused. And your Pinky finger is the innocent and shy one.

If All Of Our Younger Dreams Came True

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Everybody wanted to go to the moon when they were younger. Imagine if everyone got the opportunity to go to the moon, we’d all be living on the moon doing nothing. The moon would be filled with unemployed dreamers.

Freedom Of Speech Tweet

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Because of twitter, our freedom of speech right is used to its fullest extent. As we go to different parts of the world, we see the twitter bird starts dying off as not everybody has that right.

America’s tweety bird is alive and singing as we have our freedom of speech right. In other countries the bird is aware of what it says because its speech is watched. The bird starts flying away when in countries with temporary freedom of speech because it wants to avoid trouble. Then the bird turns into a robot in countries with manipulated freedom of speech. Now the robot bird is caged in when in countries with repressed speech. And finally, the bird is cooked having its freedom killed when in countries with no freedom of speech.

“What Did I Miss?”

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Because of smartphones, this generation isn’t fully aware of life around them. We’ll roam the streets with our heads down looking at our phones and end up missing the opportunity of a lifetime because of it. We don’t live life day by day anymore because technology is taking up most of our time. We miss out on the real life as we enjoy simulations of life through electronics. Our phones have become the real life to us.

Musics’ Influence

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Different types of music all effect the brain differently. Starting from the heating of the brain from rock music to the emptying of the mind by Raggaeton.

Society Today

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Before, in the 20th century, people wanted to go outside and have fun but were tied down to their work and jobs. Their inner child would want to go out and experience life. Now in the 21st century we go outside as characters on games and have all of our fun inside with technology! Our inner child is doing the same thing we do in real life and doesn’t want to explore because as we grew up technology was always there!

20th Vs. 21st

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The picture says it all. Phones have taken over.

Life’s Biggest Disappointments

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Remember when you found out that Santa Claus wasn’t real? How did that make you feel? If you were like most kids, you were probably disappointed.

What about your first heartbreak? This made you realize that love doesn’t last forever. As you grew up, finished college and got your degree, you realized that having this piece of paper doesn’t really guarantee you a job in that profession.

Now as an adult you see that the ideals you had as you grew up were most likely false and you have the pay the price for believing in them. And what is that price? Your time. Now as an older person you saw how much time you’ve wasted and now your life is withering away!

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Featured photo credit: Eduardo Salles via

The post 7 Powerful Pictures To Make You Rethink The Way We Live appeared first on Lifehack.

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