Wednesday 15 July 2015

7 Habits of Exceptionally Likeable People

likable people

When it comes to someone being seen as “likeable” by the public, it can be very easy to fall into the stereotype that they have some very specific trait or aura about them that makes them so great to be around. However, anyone can learn certain characteristics or habits to make themselves likeable. It can be hard work to change someone’s mentality, but it pays off in the long run.

Here are just some of the reasons that make someone exceptionally likeable people – they tend to have traits such as the following including within their personality at all times:

1. They Focus on You.

The most important thing that you will find when talking to a likeable person is that they give you all the time in the world when you’re talking. They don’t spend their time looking around the room trying to find something else to concentrate on, and they don’t start using their phones while you are speaking. Likeable people are liked because they give you confidence and belief in yourself above anything else. This makes a massive difference to your overall levels of confidence in yourself, and in the subject that you were talking about.

2. They Are Genuine People.

Someone being able to be seen as genuine is, in the modern world, incredibly important. The world is full of people we meet on a daily basis who simply cannot be trusted. A likeable person can actually be trusted when you talk to them or when you spend time with them. A genuine person will be so much easier to talk to as they’ll actually give you the honest response – positive or negative.

3. They Start Debate.

When you are talking, nothing is more annoying than someone just acknowledging you and never adding anything to the conversation. When this happens, it can be very frustrating, and the best way to get around this problem is to simply ensure that they are able to add to the debate. Do they give you suggestions or ideas for what you could be doing? Or are they just going along with the conversation? The best thing about likeable people is that they offer you a nice, fresh perspective. They’ll ask questions and inherently add to the debate as it goes.

4. They Aren’t Judgemental.

Nothing can be more annoying than watching someone pass judgement on you or someone else – and this is something that likeable people won’t do. Whether you eat too many fatty foods, smoke, take drugs… you will find that a likeable person won’t be the one to stand there and make snap judgements about your character or your personality. Instead, they are likely to want to know more about your circumstances.

5. They Don’t Court Attention.

Nothing is more irritating than someone just constantly trying to get attention all the time. Whether it’s through conversation or their actions, a likeable person doesn’t have this inherent need to be seen and be recognised by everyone else. Looking for a way to ensure that you stay as a memorable and friendly person, or as a likeable individual? Then you need to consider if being the centre of attention is the best way to do that.

6. They Leave An Impression.

Some people command respect as soon as they walk into a room – with a likeable person, they will do this in abundance. Simply follow the way that they enter a room and see the kind of response they get. It’s likely that when they talk, the others in the room will stop what they were doing and actually listen to what is being said.

7. They Are Positive.

Most importantly, though, likeable people are positive. Nobody likes a doomsayer. If you are with someone who is constantly putting the world and everything on it down, it can start to grate on you quite quickly. Avoid this problem with relative ease by looking at the attributes of a likeable person. Are they able to see any negative situation in a more positive light? This is a hugely desirable trait.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 7 Habits of Exceptionally Likeable People appeared first on Lifehack.

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