Sunday 5 July 2015

6 Toxic Beliefs That Hinder Your Success

concerned woman

Oftentimes, the only barrier that prevents you from becoming successful is your own mind. If you don’t control your brain, it will control you. When the latter is your case, you likely gathered tons of toxic beliefs and negative affirmations which taint your life and limit your perspective. It’s a mental cage that enslaves many people, sometimes for good. The fact is, you can and should eradicate the harmful thoughts and finally break the bars of your mind cage.

The purpose of this article is to point the damaging beliefs so you could find out whether they took up residence in your brain and separate yourself from the negative energy.

1. “It’s not the right time.”

Procrastination is a dangerous disease and if you don’t take action, it will eventually eat all your dreams for breakfast. Achieving something extraordinary scares our minds since it requires leaving your comfort zone and facing the unknown.

The truth is, however, every single remarkable achievement involves discomfort. Fortunately, the final result is worth the effort. But to start getting closer to your goal, you need to stop believing that today isn’t the right time to start.

Based on my experience, putting any of my goals off was a bad decision. It’s when I finally began working toward something that I realized there’s no reasonable excuse for postponing. Every time you do it, you harm yourself only because a fictional belief your mind serves you.

From now on, accept the fact that it’s always better to start, fail and then get up stronger and wiser, instead of waiting for the perfect moment (which never arrives).

2. “I’m not good enough.“

If you base your opinion completely on your mind and you didn’t train it yet to work for you, you are probably stuck. Lack of self-belief can be extremely damaging, but in reality, there’s no fair reason not to believe in yourself. You are the first person that need to truly believe in your abilities.

Once you make a switch, the rest will adapt your assumption. It never happens the other way around. What I’m getting at is that being good enough or being inadequate is only a state of mind and not an absolute fact. That’s why you should always believe in your competences even when you face the worst moment in your life. Self-belief leads to more confidence in your strengths which is required to survive the tests life throws at you.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”

Henry Ford

3. “I’m not an expert.“

There’s a weird assumption in some people’s brains that you need to be really good at something to be allowed to do it. Although they believe experts are born, in real life you need to start from scratch and go through moments of uncertainty so that one day you become savvy and experienced.

If you are completely inept at something, that’s the perfect point to begin at. Sometimes we fool ourselves believing in the overnight success the Television tries to inspire us with. In fact, behind every true expert there is a story of a beginner who went through countless failures, tons of hard work and constant practice.

4. “I will surely fail.”

It’s impossible to foretell the future, yet many people spare no effort to envision the worst scenario. It’s very likely that you’ll fail at something completely new, but it doesn’t mean you can’t succeed as well. In fact, every successful person admits that failure is an inseparate part of their success. One cannot exist without the other.

What you need to believe is that failing is momentary. Even if it feels like forever, achieving your goal is closer than you think, so don’t give up and try once again.

Do you know what’s bitter than failure? It’s asking yourself a regretful question, namely “what if”. What if I tried one more time, maybe I would succeed? You don’t know until you do it.

5. “I will start once I have more…”

More time, more money and more willpower? The fact is, none of these things happens by accident. It’s always a result of preparation, work, and perseverance. You need to abandon the toxic belief that a better environment for success will originate by itself.

To have more time, you must eliminate the unnecessary commitments and learn to say no. To have more money, you must take care of your financial stability or maybe create your own business.

The very same thing applies to willpower — it’s earned, not given. Once you realize that you are the master of your universe, you are on the right path to success.

6. “I’m not lucky.”

Whereas successful people take a full responsibility for their achievements, the crowd tends to believe the luck made them outstanding. The truth is, luck plays a role, but it’s a drop in the ocean of hard work, right attitude and persistence.

My advice would be to exclude luck from your visions. Assume that it doesn’t matter at all and everything can be influenced by your actions. Actually, that’s truth and you realize it at the moment you see the results of your efforts.

Featured photo credit: Joe Szilagyi via

The post 6 Toxic Beliefs That Hinder Your Success appeared first on Lifehack.

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