Friday 17 July 2015

5 Things I Do To Shatter My Fear

5 Things I Do To Shatter My Fear

To me FEAR is “Flawed Element of thought Appearing to be Real.” It has consumed my mind far too long. More than likely, it has plagued yours too. So where does FEAR come from? I live in a society where negative affirmations had become instilled in my mindset as a toddler until adulthood. My paradigm (subconscious mind) triggers certain experiences negatively causing resistance and caution, which is known as FEAR. Through consistent study of my inner self, here are “5 Things I Do To Shatter My FEAR:”

  1. Understand My Purpose

It all starts with understanding my purpose. My purpose is driven by my desire and passion to fulfill a dream, idea, or goal. The intuitive knowledge of my purpose burns a fire so strong, that the “Flawed Element of thought Appearing to be Real has no chance to sustain life in my thoughts. That’s because my positive force is so much stronger than the negative force of FEAR. However, when my understanding of purpose is weak, FEAR will prevail. In one form or another, FEAR finds a way to seep into my consciousness. Adding a burning desire to my purpose drives this FEAR out of my consciousness.

  1. Acknowledgement of My Fear

There’s typically no way around FEAR seeping into my consciousness at one point or another. So when it happens, I acknowledge it, reject it, and take it on headfirst. After I acknowledge my FEAR, I rationalize with myself, “What’s the worse that can happen? Why am I afraid?” Typically it’s a flawed thought trying to play tricks on me. Then I move forward and apply action. As a result, my FEAR diminishes. Acknowledgement and taking action is a key ingredient to overcome FEAR. Check out this article on identifying fear.

  1. Identifying My Strengths and Weaknesses

I like to take a personal inventory of my strengths and weaknesses as they align with what I’m trying to achieve. In other words, I’m looking within to gauge where I stand now and what challenges I potentially face. With my strengths, I’m seeking to sharpen and perfect my skills and expertise. I’m more confident in these skilled areas, which diminishes FEAR. With my weaknesses, I’m seeking to develop and minimize these challenged areas. I would spend more time with an expert or someone better skilled in my weakened area to help me develop more confidence and become empowered, which ultimately eliminates my FEAR.

  1. Setting Goals

FEAR can be terrifying especially when I'm unaware that I have no direction or goals. It’s important for me to set relevant, specific, and attainable goals. Each milestone increases my confidence and diminishes FEAR. I have no problem with setting big and long-term goals, but sometimes the problem with that is I often lose patience with the process and FEAR may potentially seep in. My method to combat that is to set smaller attainable goals that lead me to larger and long-term attainment of my goals. Furthermore, with understanding my strengths and weaknesses, it can make goal attainment easier because I understand the effectiveness of my skills. Check out this article on writing goals.

  1. Obtaining an Accountability Partner

An accountability partner is someone I give permission to kick me in the rear when I begin to slack. Well, figuratively speaking, someone who has agreed to hold me accountable to reaching particular objectives and goals. This is a key ingredient in overcoming my FEAR. This person will be my personal cheerleader and not allow me to quit or be consumed by my FEAR. My accountability partner also is in tune with my FEAR because I acknowledged it in our accountability partnership agreement. It can be very tough to achieve goals and overcome FEAR alone. So, choose someone you trust and discipline enough to kick you in the rear end when you need it.

In all, we have a choice to either deal with FEAR head-on or let it linger. When we decide to take it head-on, we have committed to taking action. Taking action increases confidence, which diminishes FEAR, and is the core ingredient to overcoming it. I encourage you to take action by powering through your FEAR in your own way or utilizing the points I’ve highlighted above. Either way, you’ll come out ahead because taking action is the remedy for all FEARS.


Morice Mabry is owner of MasterMinding Forward, an Adjunct Business Professor, Masterminding Group Facilitator, and Motivational Coach. His passion is servicing disoriented small business owners, entrepreneurs, and college students who struggle with business and life planning, accountability, sustaining vision, and goal setting.

You can visit Morice at

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