Thursday 2 July 2015

15 Amazing Things Only Single People Can Enjoy


Look how our society has changed in 70 years. Bette Davis played the spinster aunt in Now, Voyager in 1942. She bewails the fact that she will “never have a home of my own, nor a child of my own.” Marriage now is no longer the only gateway to happiness. Being single is no obstacle for a woman to have a home or even a child, if she wants to. The single status for both men and women has some pretty amazing things going for it. Here are 15 just to start with!

1. We are fitter and happier

Look at the figures – married people tend to put on weight as marital commitments ruin their fitness programs. Married men seem to be more at risk as one study shows that they are 25% more likely to pack on the pounds than their single counterparts. Being fitter also means that singles get a bigger slice of happiness.

2. We know it is a lottery

You know the scenario You thought for a long time that there was something wrong with you because you were not in a stable relationship? The fact is that it is mostly down to chance and has got nothing to do with our character. We can relax and stop worrying about all the so called mistakes we made. It is just a lottery, really.

3. We enjoy sleep a lot more

If you had to go through all the trauma of getting used to your partner’s weird sleeping habits or the thought of a future sleeping partnership, relax and enjoy the freedom of sleeping in your own bed. You can toss and turn, read, get up and sleep in as much as you want and you will disturb nobody. Except your cat, perhaps!

4. We have stopped agonizing about missed chances

How many times have you thought about whether this is Ms. or Mr. Right as you pondered a permanent relationship? Now that you are single, you can save all that angst and worry and concentrate on doing all the things you love doing without ever having to ask for permission.

5. We don’t need to tell anyone where we are

The constant phone calls with “Where are you?” is not only a threat to our mental health but it was also damned expensive. Being single means we can save money on our phone bill and forget all the worry.

6. We love our own company

We have learned that loneliness is no longer the awful threat it once was. We like being alone and we enjoy our own company. We have not forgotten the value of friendship and we can dedicate so much more time to friends who really matter, without ever worrying whether our spouse will like them.

7. We enjoy all the extra time

Singles just have so much time to dedicate to their careers and hobbies. There are no schools events to attend, no relatives to look after and there are no domestic issues which get in the way.

8. We enjoy financial independence

Having a joint bank account is not nearly as much fun as having your own. No worries about spending that extra bit on a great meal, new motorbike or an extravagant holiday. Being your own personal accountant is just so much more fun. The 2010 Consumer Expenditure Survey found that singles were spending a lot more ($34,471) than married couples with no kids ($28,017). Who says we are not helping the economy?

9. We never have to worry about compromising

How many times have you thought that compromising ruins everything? It is like having your foot on the brake pedal all the time. You have to be so careful of those tricky bends and those steep slopes and hills. These are just metaphors for making concessions and sharing chores. Being single removes all that hassle.

10. We volunteer more often

If you read Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone by Eric Klinenberg, you will discover that one in two adults in Manhattan are single. They are also more active socially and also volunteer much more often.

11. We have a lot more political clout

Politicians are finally waking up to the fact that we are emerging as a voting block and that we can actually sway election results. How many times in the past have politicians failed to address single issue such as taxation, housing, gender issues and abortion? They now dare not forget there are 35 million single Americans and they are going to vote in the next elections.

12. We can disregard the wider family

You know how you get sucked into the spouse’s or partner’s family when you are in a stable relationship? That means sharing their food, outings, celebrations and even their pets! Being single removes all the obligations here and you can get on with being a better you all round.

13. We prefer not to gamble

We know the statistics and they are pretty scary! Only about 50% of marriages actually work. Now, that is a pretty risky undertaking so we just prefer to stay single.

“I didn’t really want a man that I could have. The dream or the neighborhood? I wanted the dream.” – Diane Keaton

14. We do not worry about our wardrobe

What we wear as singles is not going to be scrutinized by close friends and family. We do not have to worry about being judged. Single men never have to worry about their dorky wardrobe and women are more relaxed about what is or is not the latest in fashion.

15. We enjoy the mess

Being a singleton is wonderful when it comes to not having to clean up and or tidy our mess every time! Just wallowing in a little dirt or untidiness never hurt anyone and there is no risk that we will get told off, criticized or locked up!

Featured photo credit: us with Diane Keaton/Kim Snellink via

The post 15 Amazing Things Only Single People Can Enjoy appeared first on Lifehack.

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