Tuesday 21 July 2015

13 Tricks People Good At Impressing Anyone Would Know

Group of happy business people clapping their hands

First impressions last a lifetime, especially when it comes to impressing anyone. Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People once said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” Impress anyone with these 12 tricks up your sleeve.

1. They aren’t afraid to be themselves

Most of us know when someone is being disingenuous. The people who are comfortable in their own skin are able to communicate authentically and create a comfortable atmosphere during any conversation.

2. They have a firm handshake

A study was done at the University of Alabama where 112 students were evaluated over a nine-month period based on their personality and handshake. Researchers said that “a person’s handshake is consistent over time and is related to some aspects of his or her personality. Those with a firm handshake were more extroverted, open to new experience, less neurotic and shy than those with a less firm handshake.”

3. They make eye contact

The eyes are the windows to the soul. When communicating with someone the best way to tell whether or not they are paying attention is if their eyes wander. In ancient tantric practices, yogis use what is called “transfiguration” to look deep into the eyes of another to recognise their higher, divine qualities.

4. They remember a person’s name

Carnegie writes, “Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” The best way to remember someone’s name is to repeat it three times when you first meet them.

5. They ask questions

Asking questions lets the other person know you are engaged in the conversation, and you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say. You may also find out things you never knew.

6. They listen

It’s impossible to listen when thinking about a response. In the loud world we live in, people are losing the ability to listen. Sixty-percent of our communication is listening and we only retain twenty-five percent. Talk less, and you’ll find yourself hearing more.

7. They speak the way the other person would like to be spoken to

You might be speaking to someone who is shy and quiet or loud and outgoing. From personal experience, it takes work to learn how to speak to an introvert when you are an extrovert, and vice versa.

8. They remain positive

People like to spend time with those who are positive and who smile. We all have our bad days, but when it comes to impressing others, leave your baggage at the door. A smile can be found right under your nose.

9.They understand body language

Physiology creates psychology. As social psychologist Amy Cuddy explains in her TED talk, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are,” our body language affects how not only how others see us, but how we see ourselves.

10. They make the other person feel important

Conversations are a two-way street. By stepping back and not making the conversation about you, you allow the other person to feel that you really care about what they have to say.

11. They dress to impress

You don’t have to wear designer clothes to impress others. Caring about your appearance also means having good hygiene and wearing clean clothes.

12. They don’t look at their phone

In this day and age we are glued to our smart phones. The less attached we are to our phones, the more we will impress the people we are engaging with.

13. They don’t take themselves too seriously

Make someone laugh, and you’ll be friends for life.

“Knock-knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo-who? Aw, don’t cry, you aren’t supposed to take yourself too seriously!”

Featured photo credit: Group of happy business people clapping their hands/tec_estromberg via flickr.com

The post 13 Tricks People Good At Impressing Anyone Would Know appeared first on Lifehack.

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