Wednesday 15 July 2015

10 Things To Know Before You Date A Nurse


If you’re currently dating a nurse, congratulations! You’ll know the truth of each of these points. If you’re not, then perhaps after reading this you’ll want to visit the nearest hospital.

Here are 10 things to know before you date a nurse:

1. We’ll take care of you when you’re sick

Your own private nurse

We are innately caring and loving. We should be because that’s our job. We take care of multiple patients on a daily basis, so taking care of you–a single person–is a day off for us. If you get sick, trust us when we say: “You’re in good hands.”

2. We are kind and compassionate

kind and compassionate person

Knowledge, skills, and heart–my nursing days revolved around these three aspects. It’s not enough to be a smart cookie or ace the practical tests. Kindness and compassion are key values and among the necessary intangibles a good nurse provides patients. Rest assured, these qualities aren’t put on. It’s just who we are.

3. We inject order into stressful situations


Stress is our frenemy. It’s a phenomenon we face daily. We can’t hide from it so we might as well befriend it. Several admissions, medication that’s due, feedings, emergencies–this all happens simultaneously. Did I mention demanding relatives and incomprehensible doctors’ orders on top of these?

So, what’s in it for you? No matter how stressful or demanding your life is, you’re dating someone who can handle it.

4. We can deal with really, really gross stuff


Our work may not be glamorous. And yes, it mostly involves blood, internal organs and a host of other undesirable things that can make even the strongest men squeamish. You won’t hear us say “Eew!”,”Yuck!”, or “That’s gross!” because we’ve seen worse.

5. We listen

Therapeutic Communication

Most relationships end because of poor communication. If you’re dating a nurse, scratch that off your list. We are good listeners. Heck, we are great listeners! Every day we listen to our patients’ life stories, the life stories of their relatives, and the life stories of their friends’ friends. If we need more information from a patient, we are trained to draw it out of them. This is the circle of life for us.

So don’t worry about saying too much. Or too little, for that matter. For us, there’s no such thing.

6. We can dine anywhere

picky eaters

We live on extremely busy schedules, so when it comes to food, we eat whatever’s edible. We don’t even have to reheat last night’s lasagna. We don’t give a fuss about what we eat on date night because we know you’re saving up for our future. Right?

7. We hear crying kids, we come to the rescue

good with kids

The sound of children crying is completely normal for us. Tantrums? There’s nothing our “Patch Adams” like approach can’t handle. Go ahead and imagine our family together because you know you’re dating an awesome parent-to-be.

8. We can always keep up


We don’t all have the time to jog outside or own a personal treadmill, but we do a lot of running and brisk walking in hospital corridors. Retracting internal organs for a three hour operation also helps strengthen our arms. We don’t get tired easily and we are great with graveyard shifts–long and sleepless nights are our specialty.

9. We are very likeable–especially to parents


Sure, we’re good with kids. But did you know we’re also good with older individuals? We know the uncharted ways to get by with stubborn, older patients. All you have to do is introduce us to your parents and by the end of the day we’ll practically be best friends forever.

10. We appreciate even the tiniest things


A simple ‘thank you’ means the world to us. That’s how appreciative we are for the little things. We give 200% percent every day to our patients and expect nothing in return. A kind gesture can make our day. You don’t have to buy us fancy gifts or take us on luxury dates; it’s the simple things matter to us.

To all those individuals we are currently dating or married to, thanks for appreciating how awesome it is to have a nurse as your better half. For those of you still looking for that special someone, maybe it’s time to fake an accident.

Featured photo credit: Sharp Healthcare via

The post 10 Things To Know Before You Date A Nurse appeared first on Lifehack.

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