Tuesday 14 July 2015

10 Things Only Spontaneous People Would Understand


Everyone has that one spontaneous friend who is never okay with being bored. They might seem scatterbrained at times, but once they set their mind on something, you know they won’t stop talking about it until they get it. They often will take control of a group, and though at times they’ll drag you into doing something you’re hesitant to try, you’ll end the day with a memory that will last forever. Spontaneous people understand:

1. You think anything new is exciting

Spontaneous people are down for catching a ball game, going to an art exhibit, or taking a road trip to the beach. Of course, as a spontaneous person you never know which you’ll feel like doing until the feeling hits you. The best thing about having other spontaneous friends is that they come up with something new to do that you would never have thought of otherwise. Just don’t ask them on Monday what they feel like doing on Saturday.

2. You know that plans change

Being spontaneous means you may avoiding making concrete plans with, because I know by the time the day comes for those plans to come to fruition, something else will have “come up” that is more exciting. Some spontaneous people overbook themselves without realizing it, and end up having to split on someone in favor of a more exciting adventure.

3. You have to keep moving

Like I said, spontaneous people rarely like to just “hang out.” They want to experience everything the world has to offer, and know they have a limited time to do so. They don’t always have to be going crazy, either. Even if they’re looking for a quiet evening, they’d rather find a coffee house or book club to spend the night at than sit around at a friend’s house.

4. You find new people exciting

To a spontaneous person, every new person they meet has the potential to be part of an epic adventure. We love hearing everyone’s life story, because we love learning about any and everything possible. Spontaneous people are great conversationalists, because they’ll let you speak at great lengths about your deepest passions, and will never be bored of hearing about your hopes and dreams.

5. You know impulsiveness isn’t always a good thing

Spontaneous people can sometimes get themselves into trouble if they’re not careful. Though an impromptu trip to the beach can be a fun way to spend a day, if you’re too spontaneous you may end up buying a used jet ski or SCUBA gear, despite the fact that you live in landlocked Pennsylvania. Wanting to try out new things is fine, but making expensive commitments without thinking them through can cause some damage to your wallet.

6. You think being an onlooker is boring

Spontaneous people hate being on the outside looking in. They want to be front and center in the middle of the action. By getting in there and mixing it up, spontaneous people control the ebb and flow around them, and create excitement for themselves and everyone around them. They hate being a passive observer, and want to experience life to the fullest, firsthand.

7. Outside factors don’t affect them

Spontaneous people aren’t affected by contingent circumstances. If rain cancels the ball game they scored tickets to, they’ll hop on the bus and check out a museum. Friend backs out of a concert? They’ll go alone. Spontaneous people know there are things beyond their control, but will always make the most out of any given situation.

8. You know there’s not much to be afraid of

Spontaneous people live without fear of most things. They definitely aren’t afraid of making a fool of themselves in the name of a good time. They’ll be the ones egging others on to climb the giant tree or rock in the middle of the park, or the one enticing you on to a hot air balloon ride. Simply put, spontaneous people would rather live dangerously than not live at all.

9. You solve problems easily

Like I said, spontaneous people aren’t bothered by much, and they don’t let things beyond their control hurt them. If their plans fall through, they shrug it off and find something else to do. If they get into a jam, they’re able to quickly figure out an innovative solution to the issue. Spontaneous people are always thinking, and because of this, rarely find themselves stuck in a bad situation.

10. You are the source of entertainment

Spontaneous people are always the ones coming up with ideas, so friends will always look to them for a good time. It’s always good to feel needed, but sometimes being relied on to make plans all the time can be taxing, as well. Ironically, perhaps the most spontaneous thing a person can do after a long streak of spontaneity is to actually spend a night in relaxing while everyone else figures out their own darn plans!

Featured photo credit: Flickrr via farm3.staticflickr.com

The post 10 Things Only Spontaneous People Would Understand appeared first on Lifehack.

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