Sunday 19 July 2015

10 Signs You Have the Best Aunt Ever


You have known your aunt your whole life and she is like a second mother to you. She has been there for all the important moments in your life, from softball games to graduation. Here are ten reasons why she truly is the best aunt and you are lucky to have her in your life.

1. She gives you a shoulder to lean on.

You know you can call her whenever you are struggling and need advice, because you feel completely comfortable opening up your heart to her. There are some things you have a hard time talking to your parents about, but you feel that your aunt is able to provide unbiased advice to you.

2. She always tell the best stories about your parents when they were younger.

Sometimes it is hard to picture, but before you came along your parents were once young and have their fair share of adventures and antics that they got into. Your aunt is the perfect resource to hear stories about how you parents drove across the US in a RV or was a firsthand witness to the questionable clothing choices that your parents wore.

3. She keeps up with all the latest technology.

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest—your aunt is tech-savvy and enjoys interacting with you on social media. Plus, she knows not to leave embarressing comments on your posts or put embarrassing photos that your parents have been guilty of on more than one occasion.

4. She gives you thoughtful presents.

Your aunt knows your likes and dislikes like the back of her hand and is always spot-on when giving you a present. She also spoils you rotten, giving the excuse that that is what aunts are for.

5. She gives you great style advice.

Her style is always on point and when you need to go shopping, you always know who to call for picking out the perfect outfit. She not only knows what looks good, but also which store you are bound to find a certain style of clothing in.

6. She is a firm believer in dessert.

Her motto has always been that life is meant to be enjoyed, especially with the sweeter things in life. She is also a strong believer that there is no wrong time for dessert and she would often spoil you with sweets when you were younger just because.

7. She is worldly and well-traveled.

Her travels have brought her to places that you have only read about and you cannot get enough of her intrepid adventures around the world. She inspires you to be more adventurous and create your own extensive travel bucket list.

8. She can help be an ally.

When you are having trouble bringing something up to your parents, you go to your aunt first for advice on how to approach a difficult topic with them. She always is ready with spot-on advice and willing to advocate on your behalf.

9. She says you are her favorite.

She often reminds you that you are her favorite out of your siblings and cousins and you know this is true because of the special bond you have together. She is one of the few adults in your life that you feel is both a friend and a mentor, and you never take this for granted.

10. She is your role model.

You have always been impressed by the way that she has lived her life, from her career choices to her lifestyle decisions. She is someone you have always looked up to and shaped your life after. Your aunt is living proof that it is important to chase after your dreams and you completely agree.

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

The post 10 Signs You Have the Best Aunt Ever appeared first on Lifehack.

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