Friday 10 July 2015

10 Indicators Showing You’ve Found Your True Love, Girls


I’ve always wondered, how will you know when you’ve found the one? What makes you realise that your babe of a boyfriend is actually the core human existence you couldn’t imagine life without? Sure, you’re a great couple and you have fun, heck someone once commented #relationshipgoals on your Instagram but seriously when do you know when you’ve struck love true and hard?!

I took to my most loved up friends and family to ask them and the results were quite surprising. Forget the soppy stuff you’re told as a kid, these are real, honest and true indications of when you’ve found true love..

1. You’re not embarrassed by your body malfunctions

You know you’ve found true love when you’re comfortable enough to tell him you had a ‘monthly’ accident on his new crisp white sheets and you know he’ll find it endearing. Everyone has body hiccups from time to time and when you’re not afraid of them being seen (or heard) you know you’ve got a keeper. Being gross with your boyfriend shows you’re not afraid for him to see your inner, most human self.

2. You’ve got inside jokes with his family

You’ve hit a new level of true love when his Mum is one of the top contacts in your phone. You send each other cute cat pictures or text anecdotes from your last visit that even your boyfriend doesn’t understand. Family is his root foundation so if you love them it shows you love him too and he’ll adore the fact his two favourite females have teamed up.

3. You can mention marriage and children

You know you’ve found true love when you can casually mention marriage and what you’re going to name your first son (we know you’ve already planned it) and he doesn’t go into panic mode. Sometimes he even brings it up! This is a clear way sign that your love is true and he sees you by his side in the future.

4. You don’t care about your appearance

You don’t need to shave your legs every time you see him because you know how little it matters to him, he loves you for you and doesn’t flinch as he runs his hands across your prickly legs. You’ll happily spend the evening with your face blotched in sudo cream and he’ll not so much as mention you look like a monster. True love is so much deeper than what’s on the surface and you know he’ll love you the same with half a tub of spot cream on your face or in those new tight black jeans.

5. You’re best friends

You could spend every second of the day with him and not get bored. Your relationship has no limit and you know he’s the perfect companion to join you with whatever you need, be it shopping, dinner, cinema, the gym, your parents house, a night out. He will always fit the bill.

6. You have your own slang

You’ve developed your own abbreviations and slang so much so, you basically have your own language. Love is all about communication but true love is when you can be in the middle of a group of people, utter one word/sound and know what you’re both thinking.

7. You realise cliches are true, just a lot less cringeworthy

The last thing you think about when you go to sleep and first when you wake up? That’s actually a thing. He makes you want to be a better person and you feel braver and more determined to succeed knowing he’s going to be by your side and you finally understand what your Mum meant when she said ‘when you’re in love, you’ll just know’

8. You can wear his pants

Forget the baggy boyfriend shirt you donned in the early days of your relationship. True love is when you’re out of clean knickers so wear his boxers and further more, give them a good sniff to check you’ve got a fresh pair. True. Love.

9. You only need his reassurance

When you’re having a freak out, an impossible day or just feeling plain miserable, it only takes his words and touch and you feel like your worries and stresses have been lifted. It doesn’t matter if he’s repeated the same advice you’ve been hearing all day, suddenly when it comes from him it makes so much sense. You truly value him and his words can instantly feel like a remedy.

10. You think about his happiness before your own

You put him first. It becomes natural to start putting their own happiness above your own. Ultimately you just want to see them happy and you’ll do whatever you can to make that happen. True love is selfless and they become your number one priority.

Featured photo credit: Samuel Hearn via

The post 10 Indicators Showing You’ve Found Your True Love, Girls appeared first on Lifehack.

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