Sunday 3 January 2016

Pregnancy At Week 30

20 weeks pregnant

Now that you are in your third trimester, your baby is becoming more real to you every day. Your growing belly is a sign that your baby is developing swiftly and preparing to enter the bright and beautiful world.

Here are some of the things you can expect during week 30 of your pregnancy:

Your Baby during Pregnancy at Week 30

By now, your baby is almost fully developed! Your little one now probably weighs a hefty three pounds and is gaining weight steadily.

It is not just your baby’s body that is growing quickly now. Your baby’s brain is really beginning to develop. Before now, your baby’s brain had a smooth surface. But now that they are getting ready to leave the safety of the womb, the grooves that signal brain development is beginning to happen.

These indentations and groves show that your baby is starting to produce more brain tissue. This brain tissue will allow your baby to really begin to develop all of the traits that they need to survive once they have left the comfort of their mother’s belly.

The baby is now regulating his own body temperature. Until now, your baby kept their temperature stable with downy hair that covered their body. But since the brain cells and new fat cells are developing, your baby does not need that extra hair anymore. Though, you may notice that there is a little bit left when your baby is born.

Although this is a change that you cannot see, your baby is now creating their own red blood cells. This is important because your baby needs these red blood cells to survive in the outside world. Until now, your baby’s spleen or other tissues were producing these cells. But at this stage in the pregnancy, your baby’s bone marrow is now taking care of this task. This is a real sign that your baby is getting ready to be born!

Even if your baby was born now, there is a great likelihood that your little one would be happy and healthy after time in a special care unit.

Your Body during Pregnancy at Week 30

Your belly is probably feeling pretty large by now but take heart, this just means that your baby is doing well! Being unable to tie your shoes is pretty normal and you may have a bit of a pregnancy waddle.

You may or may not feel like it, but it is okay to keep having sex at this point. Unless your doctor has said otherwise it is safe to continue to have intercourse. But don’t be afraid if your sex life takes a hiatus. Sometimes it is less a case of a lack of desire and more about figuring out to have sex. If you’re not ready to quit, feel free to experiment.

Common Symptoms

Your growing belly might upset your skin. Stretch marks are common and itchy skin is not unheard of during this time.

You may also find that your belly is having an impact on your breathing. This may feel uncomfortable but don’t worry. In most cases, your baby’s growth is causing your uterus to put pressure on your diaphragm. This should take care of itself in a few weeks when your baby begins to drop.


If you are having skin problems, you can try moisturizers or lotions to help relieve this. If nothing is working, ask your doctor about alternatives that a safe to use during pregnancy.

Things to Do in Week 30

Although you have a few more weeks, your baby could actually arrive at any time and you need to be ready. This is a great time to pack a hospital bag with everything that you need for the delivery. Keep it in a safe place where you can easily find it should your baby decide to make a surprise entrance. It’s certainly not a time to be planning a trip to Amsterdam or anywhere else!

This is also the time to begin those childbirth classes. Ideally, you will have graduated from this course by the end of week 36. In these classes, you will learn about how to recognize labor and about the different stages of labor. You will also learn how to make yourself more comfortable and how to relieve pain.

If you do not already have a birth plan, this is the time to create one. You also need to make sure that you have everything you need to get yourself to and from a hospital or wherever you plan to give birth. This means having a carrier, a car seat and plenty of other gear to get your little one to his new home safely. But do not just buy a car seat! Make sure it is set up and ready to go.

As you prepare to meet your little one, do not worry about being nervous. At week 30, you are almost at the end of your pregnancy. Savor every moment, even the uncomfortable ones, and remember that your life is about to change for the better!

Featured photo credit: Big D2112 via

The post Pregnancy At Week 30 appeared first on Lifehack.

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