Wednesday 13 January 2016

Why Grilled Cheese Lovers Are Better At Life


There’s nothing better than the comfort of a warm grilled cheese sandwich. There’s a lot we can learn from those who, in their adult years, still yearn for grilled cheese.

Cheese Can Have a Drug-like Effect

Studies show that cheese has euphoric, opioid-like effects. While I’m no biologist, I’d say this is probably the equivalent of a healthy pick-me-up in modest quantities. Of course, there is some discussion in The Daily Mail that some people could even become addicted to cheese.

Grilled Cheese Lovers Have More Sex

According to research performed by Skout, grilled cheese lovers have a more active sex life. Thirty-two per cent of grilled cheese eaters have sex at least 6 times per month, whereas only 27% of non-grilled cheese eaters have sex that often. Perhaps it’s that aforementioned opioid-like effect that gets people in the mood. Or, perhaps the playful mind of a grilled cheese eater is more likely to pursue sexual amusement.

Grilled Cheese Lovers Give More to Charity

Another fact discovered by Skout is that 81% of the people who love grilled cheese say they give their time and money to charity versus 66% of those who do not. Perhaps grilled cheese eaters are more empathetic. Their desire to connect with the gooey, cheesy joy of their childhood opens their mind to the happiness of other children. This is unlike the grilled cheese haters who are too busy being adults all the time and can’t see past their own daily hustle.

Grilled Cheese Lovers are More Adventurous

Skout also suggested that 84% of grilled cheese lovers are more likely to do adventurous things or travel, compared to 78% of those who dislike grilled cheese. If you’re willing to embrace the excitement of your favorite childhood sandwich, you’ll likely also be daring enough to seek a bit more out of life.

Toast is Better Than Bread for Level-Headedness

According to Live Strong, toasted bread has a lower glycemic index than normal bread. This helps you avoid spikes in blood sugar levels. So, perhaps choosing grilled cheese over a traditional sandwich has a tiny effect on keeping people more levelheaded under pressure, and less nervous when approaching ambitious projects.

If You’re Too Strict to Eat Grilled Cheese, You’re Too Strict to Risk Failure

Wouldn’t it feel a little bit silly if your professor or your company’s executives caught you, the serious and dignified adult that you are, eating some crazy, fat-filled melted grilled cheese sandwich? Certainly, you should have adult food. Or at least demonstrate health consciousness.

To the grilled cheese haters, it’s a matter of self-discipline: If you’re not being perfectly astute with what you eat, then what else might you drop?

However, people who are good at life understand the need for balance and embrace the risk of a bad self-image. If you can’t take the self-image of being a childish grilled cheese gobbler, then you’re probably unwilling to abandon your current life’s path to try something new, since you’re unwilling to deal with failure.

Grilled Cheese Lovers are in Touch with What They Love

As people get older, they tend to fall into life’s busy routine. Initially, people start by dreaming of things they love — travel, creative projects, and big ideas. But as life goes on, people obtain more responsibilities and have bills to pay. We run out of time and slowly lose touch with what triggers our happiness.

Grilled cheese lovers don’t forget. They remember their brief passion for grilled cheese. If they remember this, they also remember other things they love; they are people who are in touch with their passions and are more likely to take steps to make those passions reality.

Grilled Cheese Lovers Cherish Playfulness

One key to being a happy adult is to play. Being totally serious and mature 24 hours per day is a terrible burden, but many people have simply forgotten how to be any different. If you eat grilled cheese, you cherish something a little less mature. Odds are good that a grilled cheese eater has more of a playful side.

Featured photo credit: Grilled Cheese/Lucas Richarz via

The post Why Grilled Cheese Lovers Are Better At Life appeared first on Lifehack.

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