Wednesday 27 January 2016

How to Break Up with Someone You Still Love

How To Break Up With Someone You Still Love

how to deal with a break up

Have you been wondering how to break up with someone you still love? The tips in this article will help you to do just that.

You know that you need to break up, but you do still love and care about them, so you do not wish to hurt them. The longer that you wait to do this, the worse the hurt will be.

There are things that you can do to make this process a little easier on both of you. Read on to find out how.

1. What Is Love?

Love is the feeling you get when you think that someone can meet your psychological needs that are not met in other ways. Your ego is also boosted by this feeling.

It may make you feel more attractive, smarter, or more confident. When you realize these things about love and the ego, then you can begin to prepare to break up with them.

2. There is More Than One Potential Partner

A popular myth about love is that there is a soulmate for everyone. The truth is, there are many soulmates available to all of us. Each one will bring new experiences, and each one will prepare us for the next relationship.

Each ex helps us to know what we do not want in a relationship. If you keep these things in mind, you will be able to easier break up with the one you are with now. There is hope to find someone else who can provide you with what you need, and you in turn can do the same for them.

3. End Contact

Make sure that after you break up, you do not continue to text and call them. Also, as you will surely miss them, remember why you broke up with them in the first place. Do not keep rehashing the good memories, and do not think about what might have been.

4. Ease Them Into the Idea

Do not suddenly heartlessly break up with them out of the blue. Talk to them a couple of times beforehand about what is not working, and gently let them know that you think it would be better for both of you if you ended the relationship at this point.

Tell them that continuing to stay together will only prolong the hurt. Let them know that there are many factors in your decision, and that you want to make a clean break now so that you do not hurt them any further.

5. The Hurt Does Not Have to Last

Another myth about breaking up is that the hurt has to continue on for weeks or months. You are going to be sad after the break up as at this point you still love your ex and you did not want to hurt them.

However, this sadness does not have to linger. Let out your sadness and disappointment. Exercise, journal, cry, and get rid of reminders of the ex. Do not listen to sad songs or watch sad movies. Avoid places where they may hang out as this will only hurt both of you.

When you are wondering how to break up with someone you still love, following the previous tips will help you be able to do so quickly and easily, and you will then not prolong the hurt for either of you.

These are ways to accomplish your goal, and then you can begin to move on and live your life. There is no reason that you have to feel bad for a lengthy amount of time.

Have you used any of these tips to break up with someone you still love? Did you find our tips helpful? Please share in the comments section below.


Alex J. Stevenson is founder of and the creator of the training material ‘The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days’. If you are feeling down right now, then he is providing just what you really need at this moment. Visit his site for more help.

The post How to Break Up with Someone You Still Love appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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