Wednesday 13 January 2016

6 Things to Learn When Flying Internationally


Traveling abroad can be a tough and long process. From worrying about bringing gifts to staying occupied in the airport, transform the way you travel when you are going home or visiting loved ones with these six tips.

1. Buying gifts for loved ones is a hard process

Generally, buying gifts to your loved ones is hard. However, what makes it even harder is when you no longer live together and you feel a bit left behind from their daily lives. You may communicate every day on Whatsapp, or Skype, but you do not see each other in person. You no longer know what clothes they have; what perfumes they use; the jewelry and accessories they wear; you do not even know what t-shirt/blouse size they are. They may need a warm jacket for when they are in travelling to Europe (if they live in the desert) but you can not buy them than because you do not know if they would like the jacket or if the jacket’s size will fit them. As a conclusion, you settle on something small and preferably humorist article so that it will always bring good memories.

2. Packing and deciding on outfits

You are going home to your family for a week or two. You are clueless where you are going to have brunch, lunch, or dinner and with whom. You do not know when exactly you may meet with a very important person whom you would like to impress or when you would meet with the judgmental people of the country’s elite or someone with whom you have always competed. You do not even remember what you have at home.Bring a range of clothing for a number of situations.

3. Be careful with luggage

You need to put in the bottle of home made wine or other alcohol which your parents requested you buy them? The gifts? The heels? The perfume? The funny looking beer glass? More than two breakable items? Be very careful how you pack your luggage. Pray that none of the things there will be broken by the time you go home.

4. The trip home is a familiar process

Getting yourself to the closest airport to catch your flight? It is a long, uneventful trip. You are actually lucky if you manage to strike a conversation with someone while in the train/bus instead of reading a book or staring out of the window. As soon as you have reached the airport, you will always meet someone just as willing as you to have a small talk. You may exchange information over a new book, an interesting movie, get a different political/social point of view, or simply meet your future boss. You never know the possibilities!

5. Prices at airports of books in English are much higher than in a regular bookshop

Not going to an airport based in an English-speaking country? Do not know the local language? You would love to read? You will have a mental breakdown- English language books in non English-speaking countries are expensive. Books are already expensive at the airports in the local language but they are even more ridiculously overpriced at the airports. Best thing to do: bring your own book.

6. It is alright to be grumpy on your flight

Being grumpy shows lack of manners. However, it is acceptable if you are exhausted and have not slept properly in the past twelve hours. And you are hungry because surprisingly the airport you are staying at decided to close their food court and therefore you have nothing to eat. This throws you on the edge and leads you to be hangry (hungry and angry). Your only dream is to get on the flight and sleep on your seat. And if you cannot sleep, chances that you will become grumpier are higher. Therefore, you decide to watch a movie or listen to music in hopes that you will not insult somebody who is bothering you.

The post 6 Things to Learn When Flying Internationally appeared first on Lifehack.

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