Tuesday 26 January 2016

16 Rules That Lead You To Happiness

The 16 Rules That Lead You To Happiness

Admit that developing your skills and growing emotionally are not the first things in your agenda, if they are even there. Life is full of events and responsibilities; days go by very fast. Many of us forget to work on our physical, emotional and spiritual state. We forget that we need to grow every day.

It doesn't mean you are not beautiful right now, but constant growth and constant changes are necessary to keep you happy and motivated. The following are 16 rules that can become the foundation for your self-perfection. Make a small step to the better version of you every day.

Enrich your mind

  1. Organize yourself

If you organize your days in a nice and comfortable way, you will find yourself being more relaxed and confident. One good tip here is to deal with the most difficult and massive tasks in the morning. If you leave them for later, you will feel burdened the whole day; who needs that?

  1. Start developing and acquiring skills

There is no better time for it than now. You shouldn't wait for a special perfect day to start learning how to play the guitar or speak Spanish. Do you want to learn new things? Make the first step: buy a guitar or sign up to take a foreign language course and pay upfront. Thus, you'll be better motivated to do what you've wanted to do for years.

  1. Make a deal with your friends

If you don't have the resources to buy a music instrument or sign up for courses, it is not an excuse. I bet some of your friends have a guitar at home lying with no use. And I bet there is at least one of your friends who speaks a foreign language. You can ask them to help you and offer something you can do for them in return.

  1. Read, read and once more - read!

Read books of any genre, as many as you can. Books broaden your outlook, make you think and give you the experience you may never acquire in real life. If you don't know what to read, start with books that got Nobel or Pulitzer Prizes.

Develop your body

  1. Exercise every day

The worst mistake with exercising is seeing it as something unpleasant and torturous. You don't have to exhaust yourself with super difficult physical activities so that you cannot get out of bed the next day. Just do simple exercises such as squats, push-ups and some stretching exercises. The most important thing is that you do it every day. Yu can run one day, play tennis the next day and do yoga the third day. See it as an interesting hobby and not as something you just have to do with no desire. After a couple of weeks you will feel differently about exercising.

  1. Eat your favorite fruits and vegetables instead of unhealthy food

Well, yes, it doesn't sound fun and you've heard it many times. However, this tip is always vital. You can either harm or do good to your body with food. If you get used to eating fruits instead of chips, for example, you will soon see the difference.

  1. Try group fitness

A fit and energetic instructor and like-minded group of people are a great motivation for exercising. If you find someone to go with you, it is even better. Maybe you both lack friendly pushes to do the whole thing.

  1. Drink water

Drinking a big amount of water every day has lots of benefits. Nutritionists and doctors advise drinking at least eight glasses of water per day. It doesn't include any other liquids such as coffee or soda.

Cultivate true happiness

  1. Praise people

Making people happy is one of the coolest thing ever, especially if you know and care about these people. Besides, happiness is contagious. Show your appreciation for people around you. If they are good at something, notice it and tell them; it will improve their and your mood.

  1. Smile

Seriously, smiling gives you many benefits. For example, a good laugh releases lots of endorphins that make you happier. Negative emotions won't help you fight your problems; they'll only harm you. Smiling, on the other hand, will make you feel better and maybe will make people around you smile, as well.

  1. Take care of your family

How much time do you spend with your spouse and your kids? No matter what your answer is, it is never enough. Parents most often both work and see each other and their kids for one or two hours per day. You should spend more quality time together, support each other and take care of each other. You should be more involved in your kids' lives. Even when you are not with them, you can always know where they are with the help of Pumpic or similar programs. Make sure you participate in your family's life and don't just live together and occasionally share meals.

  1. Surround yourself with people you feel comfortable with

Think of how you feel communicating with people in your life. Aren't there people who bring negative emotions to your life? Aren't there those who sabotage your work and drag you down? You cannot be completely happy if you are surrounded with negative pessimistic people. Try to spend time with those who encourage and inspire you. You deserve it.

Grow spiritually

  1. Set goals

I'm not talking about career goals, though they are important, too. Start your day with the thoughts of how to make yourself and your family happy today. What good can you bring to this world today? Set goals to grow spiritually.

  1. Be grateful for what you have

There are always things we want but don't have. It is important to go to your dreams and goals, but there is no point worrying about not achieving them yet. Remember that there are always people who are happy although they have less than you. If you feel grateful for what you have every day, it'll help you appreciate your life and your choices more.

  1. Try to do yoga

Even if you know nothing about it, you should try it. Yoga is great for clearing your mind and learning your body. Even the easiest poses bring positive effect. Start your day with yoga, and everything will be good.

  1. Remember that everything goes off

There are many troubles and failures in life; there are many bad events that suck you in. It is difficult to get out and to move on. Ask yourself if this problem matters in a year, five or ten years. Everything passes and soon you forget about bad things. Think about it when you are having a bad day.

You only have one life! Apply some efforts and make the best of it.

The post 16 Rules That Lead You To Happiness appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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