Sunday 3 January 2016

How To Travel Without Leaving Your Hometown


Traveling is one of the most desired things to do in a lifetime, for many people. We have that natural lust to see the world and the beauty of different places. The only downside is the cost. Traveling is very expensive and this makes it hard to do for many. But in order to experience different cultures, do we really need to go so far? What if you could travel without leaving your hometown?

Every town in the world has multicultural people. Getting to know different people with different cultural backgrounds, can take you all over the world without even leaving your own town. This way you extend your knowledge of people, but you don’t have to spend anything. Getting to know a new person and experiencing a new culture is an exciting way to see your hometown in a new way. Lots of people are jealous of people with a background different from them, or misunderstand their way of doing things.

To travel doesn’t mean just seeing places, but becoming familiar with different cultures and meeting people. In the end we are all human and our differences are what gives the world color. We should celebrate our differences and love what we can learn from each other. So here’s how you can love and admire your neighbors.

1. Understand

Admit that there are differences. This is the key to getting along with others. Everyone is different. That should not give you a reason to treat someone different. Treat everyone equally. In order to live peacefully, we need to show understanding. Even when you may not understand why or what a person does, be friendly and open.

2. Observe

Talk to people. Having conversations with people of different backgrounds, with different hobbies or who come from a different place, will broaden your horizon. You will appreciate them more. Try to understand how other people think. Talk to people you don’t know to get a better understanding of their habits and traditions.

3. Experience

Go out, anywhere you want, and experience the way some else lives. Get the know their way of living. See that your daily routine is not the only way of life you know. Understand why other people do things the way they do. Watch and learn from others.

4. Try for yourself

Why not try some things that are usual to others, but not to you. You can experience a different culture right in your own home, simply by preparing the food of that culture or being part of their routine. Try to explain the background of the culture and why a certain food or way of living is natural, so you can get a better understanding. You can do more than just read about it, you can smell, see, taste and experience the culture.

5. Study

Dig deeper into your own and other cultures. Get a good understanding of where certain habits or traditions come from. Read more about different cultures. Truly try to understand the mind of others and embrace the differences. Maybe you will find what you have in common. Or find that a different culture is not as strange or different as you thought, after all.

6. Accept

In the end, the most important part is to accept that we are all human and all have different backgrounds, cultures and habits. Accept and cherish the differences. Although someone may do something you don’t understand, we are all human. When you find it hard to accept, find out for yourself why a person does what they do. Open your heart and spread love, because we all need each other to live our lives in the happiest way possible.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via

The post How To Travel Without Leaving Your Hometown appeared first on Lifehack.

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