Monday 21 December 2015

You Think These 10 Things Can Improve Your Life? But They Actually Cannot..


We all want to improve our lives in several ways and dedicate ourselves to certain activities and pursuits that may just lead to that. Though not everything we chase after is for our own good. It is always in our best interests to read between the lines and aim for the facts before making any compromise. Here are 10 things we think can improve our life but which actually cannot.

1. Technology distracts from your real environment

While technology can be beneficial to our work and personal life, it is so easy to become an enthusiast that it could be a distraction to us being happy. Sometimes we do need the space and connections with our immediate environment. Such help us to be more alive and inspired. You should not allow technology to come in between such moments.

2. Playing the safe zone will keep you stuck

Being cautious and pragmatic can become a constant theme in your life because we are worried about being hurt and victimized. Interestingly, living is about learning as you go. If you keep on playing the safe zone and not taking the shots which you have, you will continue being stuck. Free yourself and take some necessary risks sometimes.

3. Being busy gets in the way of quality time with family and friends

Yes, being busy may be a mark which you reach to try and show everyone that you are serious and hard working. But being busy can be detrimental as there are other elements besides work that make you happy. So stop being busy and spend some time with your friends and family.

4. Spending too much time on social media leads to addiction

It is great to catch up with old friends and colleagues and sometimes participate in the discussions and gossips. But you should know that this can affect your self-esteem and make you addicted if not properly managed. Rather than spending time on social media, spend such time building personal relationships.

5. Saying Yes to everything that comes your way makes you loose focus

If you want to improve yourself you have to start learning how to say No. It is great to be a part of a lot of activities and relationships. But saying No gives you the time and energy to focus on what it important to you and what truly matters.

6. Multitasking makes you work less efficiently

Yes, you want to get so much done at once. The problem with multitasking is that it affects your efficiency and output. Multitasking does not help your focus and has a way of stopping you from prioritizing and getting the important things done.

7. Getting less sleep is unhealthy

I have a friend who told me getting less sleep is what he needs to be successful. No one doubts that less sleep gives you more time. But the human mind was designed to recharge and take breaks. Your body needs the needed dose of sleep to function optimally. While you may kick at this idea you should understand what role less sleep plays with your health problems.

8. Watching TV plays your emotions

You want to watch TV to be entertained and catch up on what is happening globally. However many of these programs or channels are aimed at playing on your emotions. The way around it is to find time to take a break from the TV and find things that will connect your soul rather than your emotions.

9. Trying to be perfect makes you miss the fun

We can’t be perfect. Many people get too serious and work on so much detail they miss the fun of laughing over their mistakes. Don’t let your desires stand in the way of doing what has to be done.

10. Trying to fake being someone you’re not will burn you out

Yes, the fake it until you make it attempt can be hovering you and you want to show the world what they want to see. But such only leaves you empty and burnt out. You have to look inwards and try to be original and realistic as much as possible to face the world.

The post You Think These 10 Things Can Improve Your Life? But They Actually Cannot.. appeared first on Lifehack.

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