Friday 25 December 2015

8 Reasons Why People Who Procrastinate Are More Creative

Photo Illustration / Robert Mathews

People who procrastinate get a bad reputation! I consider myself a procrastinator, so I may be a little biased. I’ve come up with some of my best ideas because I did procrastinate, so listen up!

The word procrastinator comes from the Latin verb procrastinare, which means deferred until tomorrow. The word itself usually carries a negative connotation. Although, there are many different reasons people choose to procrastinate, when it comes to creativity it may be their best muse. I’m going to give you eight reasons why people who procrastinate are more creative.

1. They Wait for the Magic

Those who procrastinate are sometimes just waiting for their creativity to hit. They can’t force the ideas to come, but when it does, it can be magical. There are many times where I’m just sitting around waiting for ideas to come. I then walk away, or procrastinate, and it can be an hour, a day, or even a week later before it hits me. So, the next time you are struggling…walk away.

2. They Come Back Recharged

Many times we try and push through when we are tired. If you keep working in a depleted state, your results will suffer. Those who procrastinate by taking breaks such as a nap, or maybe enjoy some “me time,” come back fresh, more energized, and create a better product.

3. They Have Time to Prepare

There have been times when my creativity has stalled because I didn’t have all the information. Once I gathered what I needed, it was on! Procrastinators need time to gather the right information in order to be confident in what they are creating.

4. They Have Less Stress

Having to make a decision “right now” can sometimes create stress. When stressed, our brain releases a hormone called Cortisol, which – without getting technical – makes you dumb. Besides clouding our brain Cortisol also lowers our immune system which can cause a number of illnesses, both physically and mentally. So, the next time you have a stressful decision, take a break. You won’t just come back with a better decision, but you will be improving your health as well.

5. They get ideas subconsciously

I can’t tell you how many times my brain has been stuck on something, and then I’ll be driving down the road, walking through a store, or waiting in a line when the “idea” hits! What happens as you move through your day is your environment changes. As your environment changes your brain is confronted with stimuli which makes it think in different ways. The change of scenery can produce ideas when you aren’t trying to be creative. It’s your subconscious that produces this creativity. So when you’re stuck, change your scenery and the idea your looking for may just present itself when you least expect it.

6. They Don’t Forget Stuff

There have been plenty of times where I have been doing something and thought to myself “I just want to get this done,” but knew I was forgetting something. After walking away, my brain reorganizes itself and what I was forgetting comes to me. Procrastinating gives you time to prepare and make sure you’re not forgetting something.

7. They Have Less Regret

I’m heading to Costa Rica in January, and have taken care of my lodging, but haven’t purchased my flight. If I would have bought my flight when I was arranging the rest of my trip, I would have had an eleven-hour flight with a layover in Houston. Because I waited, or “procrastinated” my flight is now a direct five-hour flight that cost less than the original. Procrastinating gives you a chance to think about certain decisions. Especially, those impulsive ones we wish we hadn’t made.

8. They Are Happier

People who procrastinate have more time for themselves and can partake in “me time.” When you spend time with loved ones or take time for yourself, you are a happier, more relaxed you.

If you are a procrastinator, keep creating my friend. If you are someone who knows a procrastinator, think before calling them out…they may be on to something!

The post 8 Reasons Why People Who Procrastinate Are More Creative appeared first on Lifehack.

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