Friday 18 December 2015

Pregnancy At Week 8


What Fruit Size Is My Baby in Pregnancy at Week 8?

Pregnancy week 8

I’m pretty sure this is what all the updates and reading we do boil down to. Pregnancy week 8 you are a kidney beah. Woohoo!! Looking good, mama!

What Does Baby Look Like?

Your baby has webbed fingers and toes. This is good news. They have come a long way from the paddles that they were sporting just last week.

That tail is just barely visible anymore. Enjoy your last little bit of calling him/her your little tad pole.

The baby’s eyelids now are almost covering those peepers.

There are no genitals visible on the outside of baby, so even if you had that window into the womb- it’s still a mystery.

What Else Is Happening To Baby This Week?

The throat has formed breathing tubes that go to the lungs. Things are forming in the brain too, connections being made between nerve cells etc. These connections will eventually become neural pathways. He/She will be using those some day soon to talk back and finding ways to avoid cleaning up their room.

The baby continues to shift and move inside. Mom still can’t feel him or her quite yet though.

What Is Going On With Mom?

Are you having a hard time getting your husband/significant other to look you in the eyes? Is your bra fitting a little tight. It’s not all in your head- There are hormones at play that are causing growth in the breasts. This prepares your body for lactation in the future. Some women find that their breasts continue to grow through out pregnancy as much as a cup size of two.

If you are feeling exhausted know that you are not alone and that there is a reason for it. More hormone shifts are contributing to the fatigue. The sickness that you may be experiencing daily could be wearing on you an awful lot too.

Morning Sickness/Excessive Pee – Make It Go Away…

I’m sorry I can’t do that. What you should know is that about half of women that have morning sickness will see it go away by about 14 weeks. The remaining people will see it disappear by about a month after that. There are exceptions, but lets thing positive.

Peeing excessively is kind of your thing while your pregnant. Probably the earlier you embrace that the better. I mean the reason that it happens will change, but it will be something that happens. Getting a full nights rest can be hard with the gotta go feeling.

Prenatal Visits – Tests To Consider

First trimester combined screening test: Involves ultrasound and blood test. Ultrasound measures the clear space in the tissue at the back of the baby’s neck. The blood test measures two proteins. The scan is between 11 and 13 weeks, so definitely some time to consider if it’s appropriate for you. This test gives odds of Down syndrome and can provide odds of your baby having higher risks for some other problems as well. The screening is risk free since the test is noninvasive.

Chorionic Villus sampling (CVS): Involves collecting cells from the placenta, that are then sent for genetic analysis. This test will check for any one of hundreds of chromosomal abnormalities/ genetic disorders. This is also a first trimester test. Typically performed between 11 weeks and 12 weeks.

Prenatal Visits – Mentally Prepare

Usually if this is a first pregnancy with no cause for concern your first visit will occur in the next few weeks.

You are bound to have a million questions. Take the time to write down questions in order to remember them to ask your doctor at the visits. Think of these visits as a chance to ease your mind and hash out what’s to come. Also a chance to get to know your doctor and vice versa.

Bring a list of medications to the appointment and discuss if any are unsafe. This includes any supplements too.

Know the first day of your last period (by heart.) You are going to be asked this, and also this is the way to figure out your due date.

Family medical history may come up during your visit too. If not in the first appointment some time in the future.

Prenatal Visits – Physically Prepare

Weight will be taken at pretty much every visit, along with blood pressure and urine. Glamorous. You will probably have your abdomen measured to see if you are on target, position of baby is checked as things progress, and you can listen to the baby’s heart beat. Different appointments may require different exams and tests.

Activity To Try

Take a short 15-20 minute walk to try to combat fatigue. If you feel like you are getting sleepy especially at work try to get up and moving.

For more information on this week in pregnancy please visit this link:

The post Pregnancy At Week 8 appeared first on Lifehack.

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