Wednesday 9 December 2015

This Infographic Will Finally Teach You How To Be Mentally Strong



Do you feel like you lack mental strength?

I know I could use some more!

However, this infographic, published by James Altucher, showed me that I’m at least on the right track.

I bet you are too!

Even though you think you don’t know how to be mentally strong, I’m sure you’re doing at least a few of the 10 things James mentions right already.

One of them is relationships. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “You are the average of the five people around you.” Mentally strong people make sure they surround themselves with uplifting people.

Honesty is another big part of being mentally strong. Lying takes away energy and creates stress, which will burn you out in the long run.

Being mentally strong also means not making yourself the center of the universe. Focus on helping others and money will naturally become a byproduct of your actions.

James noticed he can ask any of his successful podcast guests what they’re reading lately and they all have immediate answers. Reading increases mental strength, because it lets you absorb an entire person’s life within a short time.

It’s hard to be mentally strong when you’re sick in bed, so health is another key factor for mental resilience. You don’t have to become a high performance athlete, but take good care of your body each day by eating well, sleeping enough and moving a lot, even if it’s just walking.

Mentally strong people are always curious. Even if they feel embarrassed, they will still ask questions, because they can’t stand not knowing. The more embarrassed they are to ask, the more important the question is.

Another part of mental strength is a strong memory. However, if you only listen, you’ll forget what you learned quite fast. You should take notes and then repeat what you learned to others, whether it’s just in conversation or you’re actually trying to teach them. Because when you educate others about what you learn, that’s when you truly remember.

If you are mentally strong you will constantly come up with new ideas. In part, your brain gets stronger because your idea muscle gets stronger. You can train it by exercising it every day. James suggests to simply jot down 10 ideas every day on a waiter’s pad. No matter if they’re good or bad, but come up with 10 ideas, because number 7, 8, 9 and 10 are the ones where your brain begins to sweat.

Mentally strong people don’t beat themselves up. You should give yourself permission to fail. To have lots of bad ideas. To take risks. Allow yourself to create and to just keep going, even when nothing seems to work. Persistence creates luck!

Lastly, being mentally strong means focusing only on today. The only predictor of a successful tomorrow is a successful today, James says. But when you’re stuck in a time machine in your head, regretting the past or dreaming about the future, you can’t focus on today. That’s why mentally strong people bring themselves back by simply asking: “What can I do to help others right now?”

Which of these things are you already doing right?

What could you do better at?

If you learned something new about how to be mentally strong, be sure to share this with your friends!

Featured photo credit: Greg Rakozy via

The post This Infographic Will Finally Teach You How To Be Mentally Strong appeared first on Lifehack.

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