Thursday 17 December 2015

Strong Women Don’t Mean To Intimidate, They Just Let Their True Colors Shine


Are you intimidated by strong women around you? What makes you feel intimidated and why?

Most of the time, your intimidation isn’t caused by who they are as a person, it’s caused by your perception towards yourself. You are afraid that you appear weak in front of these strong women, so you feel intimidated by them. However, if you take a closer look at their personality, you will realize that this intimidating image of strong women you hold is just an illusion from a lack of understanding.

Here are six traits about strong women to help you understand them better.

1. They are confident.

Their self confidence can be deemed as aggressive, arrogant, and ambitious, especially at work by their colleagues; however, you need to know that they have overcome several challenges in their life to build up their confidence. Nobody is born confident. Everyone has fears and doubts. Strong women just don’t let their fears and doubts hold them back. They’d rather challenge themselves and grow.

It’s not that strong women are arrogant or want to be in the center of attraction, it’s their confidence that naturally attracts attention to them. People come to these strong women for help because they trust their capability. Instead of being intimidated by their confidence, you should learn from them and have more confidence in yourself.

2. They are independent.

Strong women build their own career and are good at making money. They don’t need men to provide for them. Even though they are not looking for someone to take care of them, it doesn’t mean that they don’t need love.

You might feel threatened by women who are capable of doing everything by themselves because it feels like they don’t need your relationship and that hurts your ego. Strong women need support too. Sometimes they just want to do things on their own first. If they need support from you (which they will), they will ask for it. Support them in areas which they are weaker and remember that their independence is positive.

3. They are secure.

In a relationship, making them jealous doesn’t work. They are secure with themselves and they know what they are worth. They don’t buy the mind-games you play. Once they are committed to you, they are committed to you. They don’t spend time on worrying about the relationship. If you are going to disrespect her or try to make her feel insecure, she won’t hesitate to leave you.

You feel intimidated by a strong woman’s sense of self-worth because you are insecure about yourself. Instead of wasting time playing mind-games with them, work on your own self-worth. Be open with your insecurities, and they will respect you for that.

4. They are smart.

Strong women love interesting and intellectual conversation. You can forget about small-talk. Talk about things that matter. Rather than talking about what to have for lunch, the latest TV program, or sport, ask them about their opinions on world issues. They have their own way of thinking and they would love to share them with you.

At work, they don’t gossip, so they are easy targets for gossipers. People are intimidated by strong women because they find them too distant and opinionated. You can’t blame them. It’s not that they don’t want to connect with their colleagues, it’s because they aren’t good at making small-talk. Plus, they don’t really care about trends. They aren’t easily swayed by media and other people’s opinions either.

5. They have purpose.

Strong women are bold. They embrace change and are not afraid to take risks or fail. They know what they want in life, with clear goals and purpose. This quality makes them very interesting and attractive, but at the same time, their ambition might seem intimidating.

Don’t expect them to be the housewives and follow your every command. They won’t give up their dreams just to fit yours, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t supportive. They still want you to do well. They still care about their family. It’s just that they need to challenge themselves. They want to reach their potential. They take action towards their goals. Consider giving them some space to pursue their goals and encourage them instead.

6. They are authentic.

Strong women are straightforward people. They never suppress their feelings and they don’t take things personally. They also expect you to be honest and straightforward with them too.

However, because they are so straightforward, you might feel that they are being rude and unconcerned with other people’s feelings. They actually do care about people, but they care more about solving the problem that people have than their feelings. They look for solutions. You’re better off just telling them what you think. Don’t sugarcoat or soften your opinions so that they can help you. Let their true colors shine.

Featured photo credit: Untitled / lauren rushing via

The post Strong Women Don’t Mean To Intimidate, They Just Let Their True Colors Shine appeared first on Lifehack.

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