Friday 25 December 2015

20 Pictures Of Small Tips To Live A Satisfying Life


What does it mean to live a satisfying life? It means living a life in balance. It means making sure that your emotional, mental, physical, and social needs are taken care of.

Daily Health Gen has come out with 20 small tips to help you live a satisfying life. Take a look and implement some of the following tips to your life.

1. Try to Make At Least Three People Smile Each Day.

Real happiness comes from helping others and showing kindness. When you make other people smile, you make yourself smile. Plus, would you rather surround yourself with happy people or grumpy people? Surrounding yourself with happy people makes you feel good, so start making people around you smile.


2. Sit in Silence for At Least 10 Minutes Each Day.

Your mind has been working hard for you the whole day at school, at work, or at home. Give them a break during the day. Taking a moment off your busy schedule not only helps you be more productive, but it also helps your mind process what happened during the day. Also, take a look around you and admire how beautiful the world is – it will make you happier.


3. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Have a sense of humor. Humans makes mistakes. No one is perfect, so give yourself permission to make mistakes. Making mistakes might make you look bad in front of others, but it also makes you human too. Others will relate to that, so laugh it off instead.


4. Dream More While You Are Awake.

Dreaming gives you inspirations. All the things we enjoy now, such as electricity and airplane flights, are a result of someone else’s dreams. Someone has to conjure up an idea before the idea can be executed. Since most people don’t remember the dreams they had when they are asleep, why not dream during the day when you are awake?


5. You Don’t Have to Win Every Argument.

Most bad relationships are a result of arguments. Why do you have to win every argument? Winning an argument doesn’t make you or the other party happier. There is usually no right or wrong, just a difference in perception. Looking at the other person’s point of view and understanding where they are coming from doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them. It’s more important to show the other party that their view is valued.


6. Spend Time with People Over the Age of 70 and Under the Age of 6.

These two groups of people have different perspectives towards life. People over the age of 70 have a lot of experience and wisdom. Ask them to share what they have learned, so that you can apply these important lessons to your life. People under the age of 6 are innocent and happy. They don’t hang on to grudges. Learn how they let go of their emotions so quickly and you’ll be happier.


7. Don’t Waste Your Precious Energy on Gossip.

Your energy is better spent on yourself. Why waste your energy listening to things about other people that may not be true? Gossip doesn’t add value to your life. If you want to satisfy your curiosity, use your energy to learn and improve yourself instead. Read books and listen to inspirational talks or podcasts.


8. Life Is Too Short to Waste Time Hating Anyone.

You can spend the rest of your life hating someone, but that doesn’t mean that person will change. In fact, the other person may not even know that you hate them or realize that they have done something wrong. Get rid of those ill feelings towards them. Learn how to forgive. It will give you so much more freedom.


9. What Other People Think of You Is None of Your Business.

You can’t control what other people think about you. Your business is what you think of yourself. You can work on how you think about yourself. If people think negatively about you, but you have a strong self-worth, you won’t get affected. However, if you don’t think highly about yourself, no matter how other people praise you, you will still feel that you aren’t good enough.


10. Sleep for 8 Hours a Day.

Getting adequate sleep gives you energy and attention for the next day. Sleeping helps to repair the damage you have done on your body during the day. It also enhances the consolidation of your memory. Be certain to get enough sleep and make sure your sleep is uninterrupted.


11. Smile and Laugh More.

Endorphins are released when you smile. They make you feel happier and less stressed. Laughing helps you release emotions that have been bottling up inside. When you smile and laugh, you will attract other positive people to smile and laugh with you. That will help you to bond with other people easier and make you feel even better.


12. Forget Issues of the Past.

When couples argue, they like to bring issues of the past into their argument, making the argument worse. Learn to let go issues of the past go. It’s not fair to judge your partner with the mistakes they made in the past. Both of you should focus on the current situation or problem, and come up with a solution to resolve it.


13. Drink Plenty of Water.

Water keeps you hydrated. It is essential for the circulation of nutrients in the body. It also helps to flush out toxins, waste, and bacteria through sweat and urine. Furthermore, drinking water makes you feel refreshed and improves your moods.Therefore, it’s extremely important to drink at least 2 litres of water per day.


14. Read More Books Than You Did Last Month.

Most people read for two main reasons – pleasure or knowledge. Knowing your purpose for reading helps you read more books. It will help you select books you are attracted to read and eliminate books that you don’t need to read. Reading books also help you reduce stress. You either lose yourself in great stories or find solutions to your problems in books.


15. No One Is In Charge of Your Happiness Except You.

You are 100% responsible for your life. If you are unhappy, it’s up to you to do something about it. Don’t wait for other people to make you happy. Other people might not know what makes you happy or how to make you happy. More importantly, you can’t control other people’s behaviors. You can only control yours, so take charge of your happiness.


16. Your Job Won’t Take Care of You When You Are Sick. Your Friends Will.

Good friends are always there to support you and lift you up. They provide different perspectives to your life. Staying in touch with your old friends reminds you of where you came from. It’s difficult to keep up with everybody’s life, but schedule a time and plan something to catch up with your old buddies. It’s rewarding to listen to their stories.


17. Call Your Family Often.

Family is important. It’s your origin. It’s what shapes and defines you growing up. You can always count on your family during good and bad times. Even though you may be busy and have a very different focus in life from your family, call them regularly and find out how they are doing. A call to your mom and dad means a lot to them.


18. No Matter How You Feel, Get Up, Dress Up, and Show Up.

Woody Allen said, “Showing up is 80 percent of life.” When you make a commitment to yourself or a New Year resolution, show up and do what you promise to do. There will always be times when you don’t feel like doing what you promise. However, if you don’t show up, nothing you desire will get done.


19. Take 10 – 30 Minutes to Jog Every Day.

If you sit in front of the computer most of your waking hours, try to schedule 10 – 30 minutes each day to move your body. Jogging is a good exercise. It helps you to strengthen your muscles and improve your cardio. Plus, it helps your mind too. Exercise boosts your confidence, helps you concentrate, and relaxes your body tensions.


20. Make Time to Practice Meditation, Yoga, and Prayer.

Meditation, yoga, and prayer can help calm your mind and deal with anxiety. It can help you get centred and listen to your inner voice with better clarity. Sometimes, you get too busy and forget to breathe. Practicing these activities will focus your breathing and help you relax the body and the mind.


Featured photo credit: Daily Health Gen via

The post 20 Pictures Of Small Tips To Live A Satisfying Life appeared first on Lifehack.

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