Sunday 27 December 2015

7 Tips to Find Time To Exercise When You’re Busy

7 Tips To Find Time To Exercise When You're Busy

Do you seek a more active lifestyle, but you’re hard-pressed for time because of work and family? How many times have you sat on your office chair simply idling and surfing the web, when you’ve wished you could be outside working out? Much of our time can simply be wasted to activities that don’t help at all in getting us in good shape. But there are many ways you can get yourself moving without having to sacrifice work time or family time. Here are smart ways you can find time for exercise:

1. Rise Early

Waking up early can be a hard thing to do, but 30 minutes over your usual wake-up time is enough for a daily surge of physical activity. A mile-run when the sun is high can have a lot of health benefits for your body. Aside from getting your much needed vitamin D, you can get an early start from work which will boost your productivity for the whole day.

2. Hit The Road

No matter how busy you are, you always find time for grocery. So, instead of using the car, take the 10-minute walk to the grocery store. A little walk to the grocery store and back is a good exercise for your body. Who knows? You might even run across your old friend, have a little chat with your friendly neighbor and enjoy the scenery as you walk. While driving may seem like a convenient and easy way to get to your destination. Walking will give you time to exercise your body.

3. Settle for Little Inconveniences

You can take the longest route to office, to the bathroom, or to your boss' office.  Give yourself little inconvenience in exchange of a little stretch to work your body. If you can’t find time for exercise during your free time, then do it while you’re on your work time. There are plenty of ways to make your body move.  You can stand while working on your desk, use your breaks to take short walks across your office or just move.

4. Get an Active Hobby

No matter how much your work is robbing you of time for yourself, you should always find time for the things you love. So, why not get an active hobby? Active hobbies will work out your body twice more than the usual passive hobby like writing, knitting or painting. Try signing yourself up for an active hobby like Karate, Archery, or Ballroom!

5. Make Chore Time Exercise Time!

Give your cleaning lady a day off and scrub the floor yourself! It’s not only exercise; you can also save money and keep your place clean. If you can make time for important things like work appointments, why not give time for exercise. It’s a good investment for the betterment of your body.

6. Walk While You Wait

If you’re waiting for a phone call, an email or simply waiting for the meeting time, don’t use those hours to get stuck in your chair.  Stand up and take a little walk. Even if you have just a few feet of walking space, do it! Idle time will never feel wasted, and you can even burn calories from those dietary fats you eat during lunch time.

7. Play with Your Kids

If you’re a 9-5 worker, with kids that wait for you when you arrive at home, then you’re in for a fun exercise by playing with your kids. You can go wrestling with them, playing hide and seek, or a tug of war! You’re not only giving your body a good exercise but also making your precious little sweethearts happy.

Why Exercise?

Exercise helps keep our body in proper condition as we age. Aside from the many physical benefits, exercise is also good for our brain and overall health. So don't let your job slowly kill your health, and your life - get active, and do more.


Armela Escalona is a content editor at She writes motivational articles about work, health and college life. Stay connected with her through her LinkedIn Account.

The post 7 Tips to Find Time To Exercise When You’re Busy appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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