Saturday 3 October 2015

Hilarious Comics Any Socially Awkward Introvert Can Relate To

Some people are blessed with the gift of being able to go through daily social interactions like graceful gazelles. Then there’s the rest of us. We’re the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeers of gazelles. For us oh-so-lucky individuals, these daily interactions are hell.

This hilarious comic artist managed to capture the exquisite pain of trying to perform basic levels of socialization and somehow failing miserably every time because you’re an awkward introvert. You can watch a cute little bee turn into a big blob of awkwardness in all the social situations that routinely give us nightmares.

Here are some particular gems that are sure to bring back painful memories:

When you say goodbye only to realize you’re both going the same way and you can practically cut the awkwardness with a knife.


You’re to used to being on autopilot in social situations that you manage to mess up the simplest question and embarrass yourself forever.


When you get a new haircut and you absolutely hate it but you’re physically unable to tell the hairdresser.


You find something funny on the internet and then watch your soul grumble to dust as your friend sits there in silence.


When you’re walking with friends and you’re always the one who gets awkwardly pushed to the back when the sidewalk narrows.


All those times you’re midway through telling a story only to realize it’s not at all interesting or funny, but you already started, so you just have to watch yourself crash and burn.


Bed time? No. We call this time “Reflect On All My Past Mistakes” time. The pain is just as fresh as if it happened yesterday.


When someone is far enough behind you that you don’t know if they’re coming through the door, so you hold it open and watch as your good deed turns into a failure.


The artist behind these is a native German, whose English comics found a huge fan base on Tumblr. Perhaps you’ve seen one of her comics elsewhere on the internet, as their painfully relatable humor continues to resonate with the socially awkward crowd. On how to pronounce her complicated username, she offers this:

How to pronounce my url: Something like FLOK-si-NO-si-NY-HIL-i-PIL-i-fi-KAY-shuhn but I can’t even do it myself. Wiktonary [sic] says that floccinaucinihilipilification is “The act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless”.

Featured photo credit: Lame Selfie Bee/floccinaucinihilipilificationa via

The post Hilarious Comics Any Socially Awkward Introvert Can Relate To appeared first on Lifehack.

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