Thursday 22 October 2015

10 Mind Tricks That Exceptionally Likeable People Are Good At

10 Mind Tricks That Exceptionally Likeable People Are Good At

Do you think you come across as likeable in conversation? For some people, coming across as likeable and friendly is just a way of life, but it can be more of a struggle for others. It doesn’t have to be – check out 10 mind tricks that exceptionally likeable people are good at.

1. Maintain eye contact for 60% of the conversation

Eye contact can either make or break a conversation, and you should be aiming to maintain eye contact for roughly 60% of the conversation if you want to come across as extra-likeable. Making less eye contact than this can make you make you seem disinterested and bored, but any more and you can come across as aggressive or strange. Keeping eye contact for 60% of the conversation will make you seem genuinely interested and friendly.

2. Use silence to find answers

Often, people who are nervous tend to talk too much to fill in any possible silences, but this is rarely the best tactic if you are looking to make a good impression. If someone is slow to respond to you, don’t fill the silence with words unless you actually have something to say. A friendly silence often encourages the other person to speak up, which helps to make sure you are both contributing equally.

3. Make the most eye contact with the person you know

If you feel lost in group conversations but you want to contribute, don’t worry about having to speak up. Likeable people tend to look at the person they are closest to whenever something funny or shocking is said. They do this to share moments with the people they know the best, helping them to forge deep bonds.

4. Physically invite trust

Body language is an big factor when it comes to you seeming either likeable or aggressive. Likeable people tend to use open palmed gestures to show they are trustworthy and friendly. They also try to avoid pointing or standing too close to the person they are talking to, as both can come across as aggressive or rude.

5. Ask questions

People like other people who show a genuine interest in the things they are interested in. Likeable people always try to ask questions after listening to a story, as it shows they were paying attention and are interested enough to want to know more.

6. Accept favors to be more likeable

Surprisingly when someone does you a favor, it actually makes them like you more. This is because when they agree to help you, they justify the decision in their head by thinking “I like them and we are friends, so I am happy to do this”. It may not be wise to start requesting favors from everyone, but you will seem more likeable if you accept a favor when someone offers.

7. Nod as you talk

Nodding while you talk makes the other person more likely to agree with you. It is all body language; people tend to subconsciously mimic the person they are talking to to try and understand them, so it is more probable that they will agree with you.

8. Show excitement and joy

Humans are prone to mirroring the behavior of the people around them, so it will make you seem super likeable if you project excitement and happiness as it is likely they will follow your lead.

9. Remember specific details

Another important part of being likeable and friendly is remembering specific details from conversations you were a part of. From a funny story to something on the news, bringing these things up next time you see the person will show them that you were enjoying the conversation and that it stayed in your mind.

10. Frequently use names

Overly using a name may make you seem a little strange, but try to use the other person’s name whenever it feels natural or normal. This helps to get their full attention and it helps to strengthen the bond between you. If you are not sure when to say their name, it often feels natural and friendly at the very beginning and end of your conversation.

The post 10 Mind Tricks That Exceptionally Likeable People Are Good At appeared first on Lifehack.

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