Wednesday 21 October 2015

5 Actions You Should Take To Plan Your Next 5 Years Well

5 Actions You Should Take To Plan Your Next 5 Years Well

What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years? Five years can seem like a long time if you have a plan and you know what you want to achieve, but without a plan, 5 years can pass by very quickly.

Check out these 5 actions that you can follow to help ensure a happy and successful future.

1. Decide what you want to achieve within the next 5 years.

Decide what you want to plan for within the next 5 years. From starting your own business to buying your first home, planning is an essential part to making sure you get what you want. Life is filled with many possible eventualities, so you must address what you want to achieve so you can set the wheels in motion. Sit down with a pen and some paper and write down the answers to these questions: What do I want to achieve? How long will my goal take to achieve? What is the first thing I need to do?

2. Evaluate your goals every month.

Whether you set your goal a week ago or 10 years ago, it is important to regularly evaluate your goals. Your interests may have changed or other priorities may have emerged, so make sure you are focused on something that is still important to you. For instance, once you may have dreamed about buying a home in the country, but now you might love the busy city you live in. Sit down once a month and write down the answers to these questions: Is this goal still important to me? Am I eager to achieve it? Am I still passionate about this idea?

3. Review your goals every day.

Most people have goals, but the most successful people keep their goals in the front of their minds at all time. If you rarely think about your goals, they may start to seem overwhelming and unattainable. However, goals can often be broken down into lots of smaller tasks, which will seem much more attainable.

If you want something badly, you should ideally be working towards it regularly. Ask yourself every day: Am I progressing with my goals? What is the next small task I need to accomplish to move closer to my goal? Can I reach my goals within the next 5 years? Could I reach them sooner?

4. Make a weekly commitment to your goals.

Once you have defined your goals, it is time to start acting on them. Your goal may easily be achieved in the next 5 years, but once it is done you can start working on achieving your next dream. Today is the perfect time to start — putting off work before you have started can make the task seem scary and abstract, which will make it harder for you to start later.

At the beginning of every week, write down what you are going to do that week to work towards achieving your goal. It doesn’t have to be something big every week — even doing something small will help you to see that you are progressing towards your goal every week.

5. Write down all of the possible outcomes.

Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen and write down every possible hypothetical situation that could happen regarding your goal. There will be awful and wonderful outcomes, and this will help you to solve any possible problems that might pop up later. Decide what you would do to improve every situation, and regularly look at your answers.

You may not be able to control the future, but you can control how you deal with whatever life throws at you. Throughout the next 5 years you may encounter problems, but the most successful people adapt and zigzag through these issues while focusing on finding solutions.

The post 5 Actions You Should Take To Plan Your Next 5 Years Well appeared first on Lifehack.

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