Wednesday 21 October 2015

Discover the Routine That Empowers Super-Achievers


Achieving goals and attaining success by reaching multiple goals seems like a mountainous challenge at the outset. The truth is that nothing great comes easy. It takes resilience, adaptation and vision.

However, successful people do not procrastinate or let the task of becoming successful overwhelm them. They understand the challenges and limitations ahead; thus, they know what they can do to maneuver their way and become successful. This is why successful people are often called “super-achievers”. In a very real sense they are like every other person. But most days, they are more productive and result-oriented. To achieve this, they set a daily routine that guides them to achieve their goals.

No matter how big the project before you or how daunting the task may be, consistency will help you achieve more and be more productive. That’s the secret to super-achievers accomplishing what they do: They are consistent in their routine.

So how do they get so consistent? Super-achievers do the following:

They set goals

Every achiever knows what he wants to accomplish in a day and how such goals will affect larger, long-term goals. They don’t concern themselves with “staying busy”. Busyness is not the same as productivity. Super-achievers are concerned with results.

And before you have results, you need a goal.

They prioritize

Super-achievers know what is important and what isn’t. There is always a scale of differentiation between what is important and what is urgent. What is urgent may not be important and what is important may not be urgent.

Super-achievers have the ability to prioritize and set a balance with their daily activities.

They create to-do-lists

Whether written in a journal or as a set of reminders on their smartphones, super-achievers are organized. They structure their days. They don’t allow clutter with their time. They know what they have to and what they do not have to do. Thus, they schedule their time to maintain a balance in every area of their lives.

They have time to network, build relationships, exercise and get the needed rest to achieve those things they set out to do. Simply put, they are structured and have a written plan on how to get their day accomplished.

They measure progress

The thing about it is that you can be doing so much and you do not realize how much you are accomplishing or how far you have come. You may be distracted by the fact that you are taking tiny steps or feel that you are not stepping in the right direction.

Do not be tempted with this fallacy; super-achievers measure their progress. They always look over their shoulder to see how far they have come. They also make sure they are headed in the right direction, on the right track.

They do not focus on the future without taking a thing or two from the past.

They learn

People may take this for granted, but achievement stems from strategizing, commitment and dedication. Any achievements gained without learning are short-lived and lack value.

Super-achievers learn from their failures. They seek expert guidance through mentors, books or audio CDs. They are focused on learning as they move on. Such knowledge nourishes them and helps them to navigate the obstacles and challenges that come their way.

Remember: You have to be consistent and build on daily successes if you want to be a super-achiever. Super-achievers are more daring yet they remain consistent and solid as they surge on to their long-term goals. They are not distracted; rather, they remain focused on taking the tiny steps and maintaining an accurate routine to achieve their goals.

Featured photo credit: via

The post Discover the Routine That Empowers Super-Achievers appeared first on Lifehack.

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