Wednesday 21 October 2015

10 Actions You Can Take to Get Rich at an Incredibly High Speed

10 Actions You Can Take To Get Rich At An Incredibly High Speed

Do you want to be rich? Many people believe that being financially successful is pure luck, but there are many things that anybody can do to become rich.

From changing your mentality to extra learning, check out 10 actions you can take to get rich at an incredibly high speed.

1. Think of four ways you could make money outside of your job.

If you want to be rich it is important to stop thinking “I earn enough” and to start thinking “I could earn more.” Write down four ways you could earn money outside of your main job. From creating an e-book to selling on Amazon, there are many ways you could increase your income that would only require a little effort and time.

2. Learn in your free time.

To move up in your career and become rich, you must master new skills and knowledge in your area. Instead of just focusing on putting effort in at work, it can be very useful to learn more about your area in your free time. There are many ways you can do this, from reading books to listening to pod-casts to attending classes and seminars. Remember that the more skilled you are, the more you deserve to earn.

3. Set specific financial goals.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” This phrase is very true when it comes to finances, with many people believing that their financial goals are to pay the rent and bills. If you are already paying your rent and bills, it is time to set higher financial goals, such as saving, paying off debt or increasing your annual income. Mentality is important; always think big when it comes to your finances.

4. Make money your friend instead of your enemy.

Money pays for your home and it is has the ability to give you security, so it is important to view money as your friend and not your enemy. Write down 20 things you are glad your money pays for, such as your home and your new shoes. If you struggle to see money in a positive light, remind yourself that money can either open doors or closes doors—it is your choice.

5. Solve a problem every week.

Rich people choose to focus on solving problems, rather than complaining about them. This attitude helps to improve your solution thinking, opening your eyes up to new financial opportunities and chances that could benefit you. Write down a financial problem once a week, such as raising your income or figuring out how to lower the price of your grocery shop, and come up with a practical solution to solve the problem. Keep going until you have improved all aspects of your financial situation.

6. Get a library card.

A library card is excellent value for money and opens up new worlds of knowledge. Having a library card gives you the option to expand your knowledge in your chosen area without spending too much, which is the perfect tactic to help you earn more money within your career.

7. Do something that pushes you out of your comfort zone.

Many people are too scared to make uncomfortable decisions, but rich people are often more willing to. From leaving your job so you can start your own business to asking for a raise, many choices that seem initially difficult will be financially rewarding. Do something that makes you feel uncomfortable but may improve your life situation. It is pleasant to be comfortable, but it is much better to improve your life and financial situation.

8. Track your financial progress every month.

If you are bad with spending, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or not. You could have a high wage and still be left with little to nothing by the end of the month. Write down your income, as well as all of your out-going expenses. Is there anything that costs too much which you can cut out? This gives you a chance to see the bigger picture and allows you to make changes that will improve your finances.

9. Prioritize your goals.

You probably already have financial goals, but if you having too many can mean none of your goals are met. Instead of simultaneously trying to save up for a car and a holiday while paying off debt, decide which goal is your most important. Focus on achieving that, and then move on to your next goal.

10. Start investing wisely.

If you have no experience of investing, don’t start to invest without knowledge. Speak to a professional about how to invest well, or read up on the subject on-line. When you are educated and knowledgeable about investing, make small investments in business you know will be lucrative.

The post 10 Actions You Can Take to Get Rich at an Incredibly High Speed appeared first on Lifehack.

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