Friday 9 October 2015

6 Words That Begin With S, 6 Strategies For Success

6 Words That Start With 'S', 6 Strategies For Success

Do you feel like everyone else has sorted out this thing called life, but you are still struggling with the how-to manual? The instructions seem somewhat vague, and perhaps some pages have been torn out. How did other people figure out how life works?

One thing that makes us feel uncertain is feeling like there’s room for improvement in life. We often feel pressure to get more knowledge, more skill, more attention. We want to impress our friends, we want our partners to admire us, and we want our bosses to acknowledge our value.

Toss away your manual and focus on these 6 important “S” words that will change your outlook on life and help you improve in all the ways that matter.


Negativity can overwhelm you. It even unconsciously conquers your body and mind, something you may not even realize until someone steps up and says:

“Who stole your bowl of sunshine this morning, thundercloud?”

Nobody likes a grumpy bear. But more importantly, you won’t like yourself as a grumpy, pessimistic person.

People work on being happy by choosing not to be overwhelmed by life’s up’s and down and consciously focusing on positive people and thoughts to lift their mood.

Cultivate and nurture your emotional well-being in order to establish an attitude of positivity and great potential.

Smiling, pursuing activities that fill you with joy, and interacting with positive people all will enable a more positive disposition to grow. Show your gratitude in what others are doing for you and for all the things you usually take for granted, like your health, your job, and your loved ones.

Pursuing a passion or hobby is another strong source of positivity and smiles. It is important that your life revolves around things, people, and activities you’re passionate about.

Don’t Act Superior to Others

Believing in your power and in your skills and intelligence is one thing. Believing that no one else has them is arrogance.  

What many people unfortunately miss about all the talk on self-confidence and assertiveness is that no one person is more important or valuable than others, in the end.

You can be self-confident without being arrogant.

Being self-confident has to do with how you perceive yourself and how you choose to carry yourself in social contexts. It’s about acknowledging and appreciating your strengths but also about showing due respect for the strengths of others.

Your superiority is measured in how you use your strengths and potential to make your world and that of others a better place. Not in making others feel inferior.

Know What You Stand For

Improving your life means being able to shape and voice your opinions in a way that’s assertive yet not dismissive of others.

That’s why you must know where you stand on issues. Know what you believe in and state it firmly, confidently, and expectantly. This will earn you others’ respect and help you establish a confident and prestigious identity.

Of course, your opinions will evolve as you grow older. That’s part of life. Embrace these changes in your mentality and outlook and find ways and reasons to back your new beliefs.

Step up

To advance in life you have to make that first step. You must then make more tiny steps to accelerate your growth and improve life substantially.

Improving your life is a constant pursuit of your goals and dreams. It requires dedication and discipline but most importantly, it requires the grit required for doing more than expected, more than you thought imaginable.

Step up your efforts to enjoy life today.

Save the World

How does saving the planet make a difference in your well being and success in life? Possibly everything! Your contribution in making your world a better place doesn’t only benefit you but those around you as well.

Saving the world doesn’t require a cape and super powers. It only takes some of your time. It’s a flexible pastime that can take many forms; volunteering at a local senior home, helping out a local project on digital literacy, or an international initiative to save water or fund the next best project on Kickstarter are all examples of ways you can help others and improve your own life, too.

Doing something nice for others comes back to you multiplied even stronger. The satisfaction of being part of something bigger than yourself and the joy felt when your own actions influence or improve the lives of those near you is a priceless sense of accomplishment.

So there you have it. Keep smiling, keep being generous and kind to others, and invest your heart and soul in the things that stir you.

Succeed Life

We started out by saying these words lead to success, but success is a tricky word itself. Success at school, success at your relationships, and of course, success in your professional life - we set goals for all of these types of success, and then wonder why we are having trouble accomplishing those goals.

Only one type of success matters in life, and that’s success IN life. Instead of considering your separate successes as distinct tasks and goals, start regarding these as crucial parts of one bigger success.

To be happy and successful in the life you’re leading, you need to align all your efforts and all your wisdom into achieving this.

What this means is that focusing on a single success plan makes it easier to dedicate all your energy on that and do it well. As a result, working toward your definition of success won’t deplete you of your energy, but instead recharge your wisdom and insight, which helps to work on taking your goals even further!

Remember: The key to succeeding in life is living with purpose.

Finding a purpose makes life worthwhile and makes your success meaningful. For some this is their pets, for others their careers and friends. For others is changing the world, one volunteering act at a time.

Discover what makes you tick and focus all your energy and positive mood to succeed at it. The rest is simple, fun execution!

About the Author: Chassie Lee is the Content Expert for eReflect – creator of Ultimate Vocabulary which is currently being used by tens of thousands of happy customers in over 110 countries.

The post 6 Words That Begin With S, 6 Strategies For Success appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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