Thursday 15 October 2015

10 Signs You’re Dating Someone Who Is Gonna Grow Old With You


Have you ever stopped to think about how the concept of “growing old with someone” almost seems archaic in today’s world?

I mean sure, exploring your romantic and sexual horizons is great, and it’s a valid rite of passage; but at the end of the day, you really don’t want to grow old and grey alone, do you?

So how exactly do you know that the person that you’re dating is the person you’re going to grow old with? Well, while there’s no sure-fire way to confirm this, there are a few signs that could very well mean that you and your significant other are meant to be.

1.You can be your absolute weirdest self with them

There’s nothing more liberating than being in a relationship where you don’t have to wear a façade every time you meet. I mean, think about it, having to hide an annoying habit or two from your partner might seem like a minor hindrance in the short-term, but in the long haul it can end up driving you mad. So if you’re in a relationship where you can let your freak flag fly, and not be judged/criticized/vilified for it, you might be on to a good thing.

2.You find your partner’s quirks endearing

Are there things about your partner that people find incredibly annoying that you can’t help but find adorable? The chances are that the two of you are in for a good run. There isn’t a person in this world that doesn’t have an annoying/irritating/downright bizarre quirk or two. Being with someone whose chinks and cracks you find endearing is an added bonus that not a lot of people get to enjoy.

3.You don’t have to make plans to enjoy time together

You know how I know when a couple is truly meant to be? They don’t have to plan “date nights” or “couples’ activities” to enjoy time together. So, if you’re in a relationship where spending time together feels like the most natural and pleasant thing in the world and you’re willing to rain-check on any other activity just to see your significant other for a few minutes, the two of you could very well be meant to be.

4.You feel magic doing the simplest of things with them

Let’s be real, being in a long term relationship means that eventually the time that you spend doing simple, mundane things together is going to far exceed the time that you get to spend doing romantic, exciting things. But here’s the thing, if the two of you still feel excited and alive when doing things as simple as pigging out over Chinese takeout or washing a car together, you can be rest assured that your magic is meant to last.

5.You can sit in silence with them for hours

Spend long enough with anyone and you’re bound to come across moments where you have nothing to say to each other. For a lot of people this can get uncomfortable and feel like a huge red flag. But when you’re with someone you’re meant to be with, these silences can feel just as comfortable as a colorful conversation.

6.You find them as attractive as you did the first time you saw them

Do you remember that little tingle you felt in your stomach the first time you saw your significant other? That urgent rush of longing and desire you felt the first time you held them? The great thing about being in a relationship that’s meant to last is that this feeling only gets stronger over time. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for two years or twenty, when you’re with the person you’re meant to grow old with, you want them as badly each day as you did on the first.

7.You’re not just partners, you’re best friends

Having great chemistry as a couple is an amazing thing. But to also enjoy amazing chemistry as best friends is an even more magical thing. Couples who grow old together are usually the ones who can hold hands and be romantic one moment, and start wrestling each other on the living room couch the next second.

8.You push each other to become the best versions of yourselves

One of the greatest things about being in a healthy long term relationship is that while you both accept each other for who you are, you aren’t shy about pushing your significant other to constantly improve themselves. You see, couples who never grow as individuals and human beings usually end up boring the hell out of each other until there’s no spark left in the relationship. So if you’re dating someone who isn’t afraid to call out your shit and give you the occasional kick in the butt when you need it, you can safely assume that they’ll be around for a long time.

9.You get over fights

Being in a healthy, loving relationship doesn’t mean that you’re never going to fight. In fact, being in a relationship where you don’t have a full-blown argument at least twice a year is just not normal. The difference between every other couple and couples who are in it for the long run is that the latter are able to move past their worst fights with no baggage in tow.

10.You worry about them more than you worry for yourself

And last but not least, for you, they always come first. It doesn’t matter if it’s something as simple as who gets the last slice of pizza or a split second decision of whether you’re going to take a bullet for them, at the end of the day there isn’t a moment’s hesitation in your mind.

The post 10 Signs You’re Dating Someone Who Is Gonna Grow Old With You appeared first on Lifehack.

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