Friday 2 October 2015

10 Effective Caffeine Alternatives To Revive Your Day

revive your day with caffine

For many of us, caffeine is the fuel for our days. Without caffeine, we stumble, we slump, we sleep, and everything falls apart. Rely on this little trickster of a drug, and you’ll set yourself up for dependency for the rest of your life. Sounds harsh? Perhaps you should have a look at what caffeine does to your brain, blood pressure levels, heart rate, mood, and even your hormones!

Still up for this sucker of a drug? And yes, in case you didn’t already know, it’s defined as a drug!

On the other hand, if you prefer to detox and break free from this costly energy booster, you’ve made the right choice. Next, you’re probably going to be looking for ways to give yourself natural, healthy, and effective energy boosts without giving into that cuppa coffee.

Is it possible?

Of course it is!

Here are 10 energy-boosting alternatives to caffeine that will fire up your day in no time.

Drink Warm Lemon Water

Pick up an organic lemon, squeeze it into warm water, and top it off with fresh mint. Any benefits? Many, says Wellness Mama. She refers to her own experience with the routine and says that lemons definitely do have a little bit of magic to them. Drinking warm lemon water every morning re-hydrates the body, improves digestion, and provides a little immune boost. Plus, since Vitamin C can potentially reduce the impact of stress, it works as the perfect detoxer and antidote to our caffeine habits.

Snack on Almonds

Befriending almonds is going to result in a far better and healthier relationship than the one you had with caffeine. It’s no secret that a snack full of nuts and grains works as the perfect energy booster. Almonds, particularly, contain manganese, copper, Riboflavin and other nutrients that increase brain activity and result in new neural pathways. They’re a perfect brain booster!

Turn up the Bass

If you’re already a hip-hop or hard rock fan, you’ve got the perfect solution to your drowsy mornings. According to, scientists have found that songs with a heavy bass inspire feelings of power, delivering a wave of confidence. While working, they advise it’s best to go with tunes that aren’t normally your favorites so as to reduce the effects of dopamine and increase focus on work (rather than music). Assignment consultants use this technique to get work done fast!

Buy Menthol Shampoo

If you live in a cold location, you’ll be highly reluctant to start the day with a cold shower. Although we won’t disagree with the fact that cold showers can give you that much-needed jolt of energy, it’s not everyone’s favorite routine if the temperature tends to be a bit low where they live. A methanol shampoo is a great alternative because that tingling sensation can bring you to life!

Eat a Ba-Na-Na

We’ve all wondered what perks up those little minions! Bananas are full of carbohydrates which is the body’s main source of energy. A banana breakfast is a great way to start the day and power up your body without the dreaded crash afterwards.

Try a Quick Workout

If you’re always on the run before you get to work, taking out an extra 20 minutes for yoga or exercise is out of the question. Lucky for you though, mini workouts may work just as well. According to Fitness Magazine, there are plenty of ways you can torch fat and boost your day with 10 minute mini-workouts. Let those endorphins kick in!

Stretch Your Limbs

Sometimes, muscle stiffness is what keeps us from moving around and feeling energized in the morning. Constantly being in one position while sleeping is usually what causes those muscle and joint aches when you wake up. Do a quick muscle stretch, exercising parts of your neck, shoulders, glutes, and abdomen, while lengthening those limbs.

Find Chit-Chatter

Can you think of that crazy hyper friend or colleague that often jazzes up your day? Studies reveal that being socially connected promotes positive thoughts and productivity. Having a little chit chat with a natural prattler is bound to get you wired up for the day ahead. Dial up a friend and catch up on that gossip you missed out on!

Avoid Heavy Eating

While a heavy breakfast may seem like a good idea to get you powered up, it can actually prevent you from being at your best because your body is suddenly focused on digestion. This causes it to slow down, resulting in what they call the “crash”. Avoid those high-carb, high-fat, and high-sugar foods if you want to feel energetic, according to Scientific American.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

This point can’t be stressed enough! Our daily dose of H2O is what keeps us functioning at a normal speed. Since our brains and bodies are mostly water, lack of water (or dehydration) promotes a lack of oxygen and fatigue. Moreover, caffeine consumed in large doses leads you to produce more urine. This contributes to dehydration, and affects proper body function- not to mention draining our precious time!

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

The post 10 Effective Caffeine Alternatives To Revive Your Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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