Sunday 3 January 2016

Happy Couples Don’t Do Great Things For The Other, But They Have These 11 Small Habits


Against popular opinion, what makes happy couples thrive are in the details. The little things does matter, and such small habits are strong and bonding enough to define how far a relationship can go.

1. Going out together

They take a night out every now and then. They find relevance in courting and spending the night together in somewhere special. Such activity keeps the spark of the relationship alive.

2. Putting their phones away

They are willing to listen to each other and connect with each other on a deeper level. Yes, we all want to check that new email or message, but technology can be a distraction to a healthy relationship. Happy couples are willing to put their gadgets away and listen to what is being said.

3. They go to bed together

They don’t just sleep in the same bed together, they express their feelings for each other in the process. They would cuddle and sleep next to each other. They know that going to bed together matters as they can talk and show each other affection.

4. Saying “I love you”

They express their feelings for each other often. In the morning and before they go to bed they remind each other of how they feel. When said in the morning, “I love you” infuses some tolerance and patience as they both go out to face the world at work.

5. Expressing pride by showing off their partners

Happy couples want to show each other off. They let the world know how wonderful they are. They don’t mind doing this in a warm and affectionate manner by holding each other’s hand or putting their hand on the other person’s shoulder.

6. Walking together

Happy couples walk together, hand in hand or side by side. They do not allow the other partner dragging or lagging behind, rather they appreciate walking together and being within each other’s sight. This signals comfort, strength and love.

7. Cultivating common interests

They enjoy certain interests together. It could be swimming, skiing, or hiking. What matters is that they try to tap into the few interests they have in common and amplify them. Even when common interests are not present, they do well to develop them. This will make couples more reliant and interesting to each other.

8. Communicating

This means that they do not nag at each other or become a pain for the other person. Through communication, they can express their feelings appropriately. If one person is upset, he/she can express themselves and let the other person aware of their discomfort. Regular communication breeds an understanding and harmonious relationship.

9. Appreciating each other

Phrases like “thank you,” “you are a darling,” “what will I do without you?” are often said by happy couples. They do well to appreciate each other and make the other person feel relevant in the relationship. Showing such appreciation makes the other person feel wanted and show that you are polite and courteous.

10. Surprising each other

A relationship could become drab and boring if you continue repeating the same activities together. Happy couples learn to break such routines and become creative in the process. This is why they surprise each other and come with something out of the norm to please their partners. Spontaneity and unpredictability can indeed be fun.

11. Hugging and kissing each other before and after work

Our skin has a memory of that “good touch.” If you offer your partner that warmth through a hug or kiss, it tends to stick with them for the rest of the day or even the night. Doing well to brighten their partner’s spirit, happy couples do well to offer each other that “good touch.”

Featured photo credit: via

The post Happy Couples Don’t Do Great Things For The Other, But They Have These 11 Small Habits appeared first on Lifehack.

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