Thursday 6 August 2015

7 Crucial Habits Of Successful Entrepreneurs

The 7 Crucial Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Time For A Change

If you've been thinking about your financial situation recently and thought things could be a lot better, then they probably could be...

If you've been living from paycheck to paycheck for the last few years, or if you've been struggling to find a job, then maybe change is exactly what you might need right now.Time for a Change

Often it is hard to determine what exactly the issues are. If you've been working hard and getting home late at night in an exhausted state, barely able to cook a decent meal, then I can tell you, I've been there myself.

The good message of this article is, there are 7 simple steps, I want to teach you, that changed my attitude and my personal situation and I promise you if you try to apply these within your life, it will change yours too!

If you've been thinking of creating your own business like I did, then don't be afraid to do so. There are millions of people that succeed every year, why shouldn't you? It's easier than you think...

Why I Changed:

I knew that by creating my own business, I would have more control of my workload and higher chances in achieving my financial dream. With so many opportunities and available resources these days, all you have to do is follow proven success.

The one thing that successful entrepreneurs all have in common are very obvious, yet hard to realize, habits that everyone can obtain.

When I got fed up with my stressful job and negative attitude, I used my spare time wisely to research this 'key' of success. Although I was working hard and keeping good relationships with higher-ups at work, nothing seemed to change in terms of my career progression.

I soon started my own online business, (find my website under, but this time I used the knowledge I've gathered to set this business up. I didn't want to fail once again and start something from scratch, running around like a headless chicken.

The 7 Steps:

Here's 7 habits that highly effective people practice and share in common, which changed my life as well:

  1. Take initiative - When you see an opportunity, reach out. Don't let others get onboard before you. Try to show interest and seize the moment. Don't be a sheep that follows the crowd. Be the one leading the crowd. Look out for improvements and changes that could be made.
  2. Set yourself goals - Know what you are aiming for. If you have a goal in mind, you will be more focused and have a clearer vision how to approach your journey of success. Don't let go of the end goal.

    [caption id="attachment_34553" align="alignright" width="300"]Progression and money Success doesn't come over night![/caption]

  3. Work in all areas of your business - If you want to create your own business, you have to be willing to work at, as well as in, your business. Don't expect for it to create itself and run itself. Try to be an expert and have control of every angle of your business.
  4. Know the right crowd - I come from a small country where relationships are very important. I thought it was only important for places like my home country, but the truth is, it is important in any business anywhere! Make the right connections and keep them close. Speak to people who have experience, connections, tools or other useful things that you could link to your business.
  5. Do your research - Don't assume you know what people want. Be 'out there' and show what you have to offer. Mutual understanding is crucial for any business. Try to find out how customers are lacking what you have to offer and show them you've got it. Find your ideal target audience and market your product to them.
  6. Collaborate within your market - Socialize within your domain. Find other businesses that run within the same market. Often a fresh opinion can give a different point of view and fresh ideas to your own. You may be able to help each other out.
  7. Keep up with time - Too often people try to keep traditional ways for new businesses. Time moves on and so should you. Educate yourself and see how competitors elsewhere use new technology, products or ideas. Be ahead of your rivals and stay informed.

    [caption id="attachment_12770" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Navigate a Slump Communicate with others and exchange ideas[/caption]

Of course adapting these habits won't be an overnight thing, but try to write these down and keep them in mind at all times. If you want to run a successful business, copy proven success and match the entrepreneurs you look up to.

Chances are they all have these 7 habits in their blood by now and so should you!

If you want to change your life, get a better paycheck, be your own boss or simply be happier, you  have to take control of your future. These 7 habits aren't impossible to obtain.

ESTEBAN PAU writes about self-improvement, avoiding bad habits, and how to change your lifestyle to generate passive income. Creating your own online business, to work from anywhere around the world, is his ideal lifestyle. He is the creator of where he describes how he moved from the corporate world to working from home, for everyone to follow.

The post 7 Crucial Habits Of Successful Entrepreneurs appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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