Friday 28 August 2015

5 Reasons Meditation Inevitably Improves Your Relationship

5 Reasons Meditation Inevitably Improve Your Relationship

Over the last couple of years a lot of my friends asked me what they can do to improve their relationships. Of course they expected me to give them the same advice as everyone else gives.

Buy her a nice present. Tell her that she is beautiful. Spend a bit more time with her. While that is all well and good, they are usually a bit surprised when I tell them that regular meditation can be all that is needed to improve their relationship.

None of the guys I spoke to has expected this answer, which is proof enough that the majority of people are not aware of the fabulous correlation between meditation and fulfilling relationships. Most people have heard about meditation and have a rough idea about it. Others regard it as some esoteric mumbo jumbo without benefits.

The truth is that meditation has not only plenty of scientific benefits that can improve your health and reduce your stress hormones. It also has the power to change your relationships. After reading about the following five reasons why meditation inevitably improves your relationship you will realize that breathing in and out has more power over your relationship than buying expensive presents.

1. You suddenly have the power to prevent arguments  

The number one complaint that I hear from both men and women who are in a relationship is that they are sick and tired of arguing. Please correct if I am wrong, but deep down everybody wants to enjoy a harmonic and happy relationship without drama and without stress.

The amazing thing about meditation is that it teaches you to calm down and to relax in stressful situations. Having an argument with your loved one can definitely be seen as a stressful situation and meditation helps you to deal with it.

It helps you to consciously observe your own behavior and the behavior of your partner. This allows you to prevent an argument before it can even arise. People who don’t have this level of awareness go from one argument to another without knowing how they could have prevented it. 

2. Meditation teaches you to handle drama with patience  

What if you did your best to prevent an argument, but the disagreement between you and your partner is too big to be ignored? In this case meditation teaches you to handle drama with patience and in a state of complete relaxation.

While most people get hysteric and defensive whenever they are faced with a bit drama in their relationship, you stay calm and act considerate. You don’t see the need to become defensive or even aggressive. During your regular meditation sessions you’ve learned to accept the current situation and to improve it in a conscious way.

3. You become aware of your partners needs and wants

A lot of people describe the process that you experience during meditation as conscious awakening. II think it is no secret that a lot of people in our faced-paced society lost the connection to their desires, needs and wants. Everybody is functioning and rushing without even knowing why they do what they do.

Meditation teaches you to look inside of yourself and to connect with your true needs and wants. Once you are able to see your own needs and wants, it will be very easy for you to recognize the needs and wants of other people. This inevitably improves your relationship.

You eventually reach a state of mind where you have to shake your head when you look at all the other couples in your social circle. You suddenly don’t understand how they can be so blind and ignore the wants and needs of their partners, even though they are so obvious. 

4. Meditation allows a long and fulfilling relationship

Meditation has countless health benefits. It reduces your blood pressures, it prevents heart diseases and it leads to more longevity. I don’t know about you, but when I think about enjoying a long and fulfilled relationship with the love of my life I don’t think about getting a heart attack at 45.

Meditating, especially when you can convince your partner to also give it a shot, allows you to enjoy a long and happy relationship without worrying about your health. I don’t say that meditation replaces a healthy diet and the regular checks with the doctor. All I want to say is that it has the scientifically proven power to make your life and therefore your relationship longer and better.

5. Your increased happiness is contagious

Did you know that meditation can make you happier? For some people it sounds unbelievable, but I know from my own experience that meditating for less than ten minutes a day has the power to put a smile on your face.

The best thing about this is that happiness is contagious. If meditating a couple of minutes a day has the power to transform you from the human equivalent of the grumpy cat into a happy person, your partner will recognize this transformation. Your increased happiness level makes it nearly impossible for your partner to not become happier. The inevitable result of this interplay is a fulfilling relationship.


Sebastian Harris is a travel enthusiast and a lover of women who has the vision to improve the lives of millions of men all around the globe.

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