Saturday 22 August 2015

Freedom from the Past is Only a Thought Away

How To Free Yourself From The Past

freedom from the past

I have found in working with thousands of clients over the years, that asking someone to tell you what they want – what they TRULY want – is one of the most difficult questions for people to answer. If you have ever gotten clear about what you truly want in any given situation, you may notice that the universe seems to conspire in alignment with your desire, and the right circumstances or conditions seem to miraculously unfold.

But what has actually taken place? Was it a fluke? An anomaly? Did you simply “luck out”? Through understanding a couple of basic concepts, you can begin to consciously create your life experience.

We are all creating our life experience all the time. We are all masters in our own universe – no kidding! The only difference is whether we are consciously choosing our experience, or unconsciously choosing our experience. Choice creates experience.

Did you ever stop to consider your mindset, what you were actually thinking in the process of considering what you truly wanted? Oftentimes our process of choosing is colored by memories of past experiences of a similar nature that didn’t go well, or by opinions of people we either look up to or respect in some way. We can listen to these conversations so much that they drown out the quiet inner wisdom that is playing in the background. We focus on the previous outcomes or on the odds against us, or on the discouragement or encouragement by well-meaning others, all to the deafening of hearing our own inner authentic muse. She is pointing us in the direction of everything we have been looking for, yet we are so distracted with these other thoughts that we don’t hear her guidance.

By paying attention to confusion, we get confusion. By paying attention to what we don’t want, we create the experience of having what we don’t want. The result is unconscious choice, and unconscious life mastery. Not wrong, just unconscious.

There is another channel of thought available to all human beings, one most utilized by us when we were very small children. It is a mode of thinking that is diffuse and in-the-moment. It is the channel of thought accessed by all the great geniuses of history and today. It is available to all of us if we choose to turn our attention to it. And it is accessed by simply turning our attention away from those ruminating thoughts of trying to figure out what the next thing is best to do, and simply choosing to listen to the quietness of being completely present to what is happening now, with no attention paid to thoughts generated from the past. What we choose is what we experience.

The intellect is a great assistant in many situations, but in wanting to have an insight, or in desiring to create something new – be it artwork or music, business plan or architecture, or generating oneself to be a better parent or partner, listening to what we don’t know rather than what we already know – is the gateway.

How do we listen to what we don’t know?! We listen for it, by being willing to tolerate the discomfort of not-knowing, and trusting the process of intuition to unfold a solution that will reveal itself and become obvious in its own time.

The world needs what only you can create through your unique perspective, and authentic self-expression is a doorway to personal happiness and fulfillment. Conscious choice is conscious mastery of living!


Laura Basha, PhD, is a certified trainer and holds a BA in Fine Arts, a MA in Counseling Psychology, and a combined doctorate in Clinical and Organizational Psychology. Through the years, the focus on her work has always been personal and organizational transformation and leadership development, and she has been an international consultant, educator and personal coach for thousands of clients since 1978.

Along with her new status of being a published author, Dr. Basha is an empowering speaker and accomplished artist. With her first book, she is shifting her focus from her private coaching practice to more writing expression. Dr. Basha resides in northern California with her husband, family, and their two beloved tibetian terriers.

The post Freedom from the Past is Only a Thought Away appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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