Friday 28 August 2015

Lean Towards Laziness? Try These 10 Easy & Effortless Health Tips

coffee time

1. Use commercial breaks to your advantage

woman doing sit ups at home

Alternate between push-ups, sit ups, and squats during commercial breaks. Or stick with one exercise, but aim to get in more reps as the number of commercial breaks increase.

2. Catch up on shows ONLY while on the treadmill, climbing on the elliptical, or cycling on a gym bike


With the summer temps soaring, take refuge inside and dust off that gym membership card. Rewarding yourself for going to the gym with your favorite TV show will make time fly when you are on the machine. I know I am overdue for some trashy Bravo shows, but if you aren’t brave enough to flaunt your obsession with the latest Real Housewives, OINTB, Game of Thrones, and Orphan Black are high on my list to watch. Before you know it, you’ve just spent 30-60 min in a sweat sesh instead of lounging on the couch!

3. Schedule workouts with friends

Workout with friends

Having a buddy will hold you accountable to meet the recommended 150 minutes of cardio or resistance training per week. Plus, you will have time to catch up and spend quality time with your buds. Studies have shown that exercising two hours a week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by over 25%.

4. Keep a set of workout clothes at work

Woman tying shoelaces

Having a set of clothes at work will ensure that there’s no excuse if you forget them. If you decide to nix the gym that day, having your clothes near your desk will be a reminder that it is time to hit the gym soon.

5. Tote around a water bottle wherever you go

Water bottle

Aim to fill your bottle at least three of four times a day to hit the recommended 91 ounces (if you are a woman) or 125 ounces (if you are a man). Not only will you be better hydrated, but you will also get the added bonus of leaving your desk and walking to the water cooler. If plain water isn’t your thing, try infusing water with citrus, berries, or cucumber.

6. Take five or 10 minutes on Sunday to prep a selection of ready to go snacks


I like to cut up bell peppers, carrots, and celery and throw in some sweet cherry tomatoes into a large Tupperware and toss with some lemon juice to keep things fresh in the fridge. Every day, I take a small portion of the veggie mix to munch on at my desk. Same thing with trail mix: combine a variety of nuts, dried fruit, and even dark chocolate in a large container (Mason jars work great here!) and put into a baggie for a satisfying snack. For some options that require no work, turn to yogurt cups or pouched tuna as perfect on-the-go snack options.

7. Better yet, spend a few extra minutes to make big batches of foods for easy and fast lunches

Healthy Kids Lunchbox

Crank up the tunes and get meal prepping! Roast a large pan of vegetables (onions, green beans, and broccoli is my current favorite combo), cook up some whole grains like brown rice or quinoa, and prep some lean protein like chicken breast or lentils. Add your favorite sauce or dressing, mix together, and portion for versatile, healthful, and fast lunch options.

8. Swing by your local corner store for grub

Corner store

Chances are you don’t want to make multiple trips during the week to the grocery store. That’s where the local corner store comes in. Scour the shelves for nuts and peanut butter and head to the refrigerated section for yogurt or pre-made protein drinks.

9. Stock up on frozen produce

Closeup frozen mixed vegetables

Convenient, cost-effective, and long shelf-life?! Sign me up! Throw a handful of frozen berries on top of your morning oatmeal or nuke a bowl of frozen veggies as a fast and easy way to get in your fruits and veggies at every meal.

10. Eat from small plates

Stack of Plates

We have already talked about loading up your plate, but let’s talk about the type of plate. Studies have shown that plate or bowl size affects serving size.

Start small and work to incorporate more of these easy healthful tricks each week. Though small, each tip can come together and add up to some significant benefits for your health!

The post Lean Towards Laziness? Try These 10 Easy & Effortless Health Tips appeared first on Lifehack.

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