Wednesday 26 August 2015

25 Small Things to Do in Everyday Life to Boost Happiness

Small things anyone can do in everyday life to be happy, Lifehack
Happiness is a big word, but it can be found in the smallest of things. Whether it’s the smell of roasted coffee beans in the morning or the simple refreshment of a good night’s sleep, it all adds up. Rinse your day for all it’s worth and find little lifts in everything you do—here are 25 on the house to get you started.
1. Wake up to music that sets the right mood (a bit of Bob Marley if you swing that way).

2. Feel the grass between your toes on a warm Sunday afternoon when there is nothing to do and nothing to worry about.

3. Savor your morning cup of coffee (don’t be in that stressful rush so early in the morning) and start your day right.

4. Sing in the shower like no one is listening.

5. Dance in a public place like no one is watching.

6. Read a good book and forget that you’re on a carriage, in rush hour, with your face in an old man’s armpit.

7. Use your lunch breaks to throw insults, jibes and food—don’t waste this hour of each day (those minutes add up).

8. Eat properly and luxuriously. Forget sad lunches (the pack of digestives left in the cupboard). Branch out with a pesto and mozzarella panini with tomatoes, or a tasty falafal salad.

9. Sleep for 7–8 hours a night, or you’ll waste precious cheerful time being tired and cranky on the train, in the bus queue, in the crowds of tourists as you leave the station.

10. Take the time to lie on the grass and make stories out of clouds, or, if it’s raining, lie on your carpet and see shapes on the ceiling.

11. Find some time to treat Mr. Tibbles to some affectionate patting and reap the rewards of pet therapy.

12. Exercise: throw some mad shapes, learn to hula, shoot hoops, whatever your hobby is make sure you’re squeezing those endorphins into your routine.

13. Take in some nice scenery: that park near your office, the vista from the top of the hill at the end of your road—let your eyes wander into the distance and feel those happy chemicals run free in your brain.

14. Eat bananas, packed full with that happy serotonin.

15. Surprise yourself with impulsive decisions and mix up your day-to-day with a new tattoo, a daring date or that risky haircut you’ve been too afraid you couldn’t pull off.

16. Ask the sexy barrista out on a date—the adrenaline rush will be worth it no matter what the reply is.

17. Make sure you’re giving the people you care about plenty of love—in a hug, a clap on the back, or a whole-hearted chest bump. Human contact is always a nice feeling (unless it’s on a packed train, in which case, it doesn’t count).

18. Reconnect with old friends and broaden your horizons with as many people in your life as possible.

19. Talk to a stranger, everyday, and spice up your communication.

20. Find new routes home, new routes out, and discover the richness of your area.

21. Make sure you’re exposed to that fresh air. The stuffy surroundings of an office could make the cheeriest go-getter wilt and grumble.

22. Meditate for a few minutes every day, whether you enjoy twisting yourself into prestles during yoga or kneeling in a pew. Either way, you’re sure to clear your mind and gain some precious perspective.

23. Open your promotional emails. Everyday. We know you don’t want to open another Groupon ad. None of us do. But keep on top of them and one day, there might actually be no unread messages in your inbox (we can dare to dream).

24. Tell a secret. A secret a day could keep your doctors away (or at least your therapists). Don’t keep it bottled up; keep your friends close and release the inner demons. You’ll feel ten times lighter.

25. Make lists. There’s nothing more satisfying that ticking that last item on a list. Get things done, be productive and appreciate the written proof that you are amazing.

Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via

The post 25 Small Things to Do in Everyday Life to Boost Happiness appeared first on Lifehack.

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