Thursday 6 August 2015

10 Very Practical Questions You Should Ask Your Friends Before Going On A Trip Together

10 Very Practical Questions You Should Ask Your Friends Before Going On A Trip Together

Do you plan on taking a trip with your friend? Taking trips with your friends can be exciting, fun-filled adventures, but it is important to talk about a few things first. From planning events to treating yourselves, check out 10 very practical questions you should ask your friends before going on a trip together.

1. How much money do you want to spend?

If you plan on travelling with someone, one of the first things you need to discuss is money. If you are planning to live off canned beans and your friend wants to visit expensive restaurants and spas, then you may have a problem. While they may not be able to give you an exact answer, they should be able to give you a rough idea of how much they are planning on spending.

2. Do you want to stay in hotels or hostels?

Once you and your friend know how much you both want to spend, it is important to address how you want to travel together. Do you want to stay in hotels, or are you both happy to save some money by staying in hostels? If one of you enjoys home comforts, you can discuss how to make sure you are both happy with the final decision.

3. How well do you handle stress?

Even with excellent planning, it is possible that things will go wrong on your trip, and it is important to prepare for stress. Some people thrive under stress, and find the situation challenging but fun, while others can become upset or distressed. Discuss what stresses you both out, and if you need space or comforting when you feel stressed. This will help you both to deal with a stressful situation if it arises.

4. Are you a picky eater or not?

It is important to ask your friend these questions: Are you a fussy eater? Do you have any dietary needs? Food is often a big part of going on a trip, and it is important to discuss any funny food habits before you travel, so you both know what to expect from each other.

5. Do you want to plan the trip or just go with the flow?

Many people who love planning find people who go with the flow frustrating – and vice versa. Discuss if you want to plan each day or not, and if you both want different things, discuss a compromise. For instance, you could plan the first half and go with the flow during the second half.

6. Do you want to relax or have an adventure?

Before going on a trip, it is essential to decide what kind of trip you both want to take. Some love to have an adventure every day, while others prefer to take it slow and relax. Discuss your thoughts, and choose a happy compromise if you enjoy different things.

7. How shall we treat ourselves?

There are lots of ways to treat yourselves while you travel, from surfing to buying an expensive, delicious meal. You will both have a few ideas of how you want to treat yourselves, and discussing these treats will help you to work out your budgets and what you get to look forward to.

8. How do you want to spend the evenings?

It is possible you both have different ideas of a fun evening; maybe one of you likes to drink and dance until the early hours, while the other likes to relax with some food and friends. If so, you both need to decide if you both do a little of each or if you will spend the evenings apart.

9. What is your sleeping schedule like?

Some people are night owls and some people are early birds, and these people can still have lots of fun travelling together. If you have different sleeping schedules, come up with a fair compromise; your friend will be quiet when they come in late if you agree not to wake them up before 9.30AM.

10. Where do you definitely want to visit?

You may both have agreed on France, but it is important to discuss where you both definitely want to visit. Maybe your friend wants to visit the snowy mountains, but you have always wanted to visit Paris. Planning in advance means you both know if you need extra money, or to add an extra few days to your travels.

What do you think of these questions? Share this list with the person you want to travel with and see what they say!

The post 10 Very Practical Questions You Should Ask Your Friends Before Going On A Trip Together appeared first on Lifehack.

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