Friday 19 June 2015

The 5 Keys To Setting Goals Like A Champ

The 5 Keys To Setting Goals Like A Champ

how to set goals like a champion

We all have goals that we want to achieve in life. A good goal should really ignite a strong desire within you and motivate you to take action. You want the goals that you set to be realistic so that you can actually achieve them.

Many people don't fully understand the importance of setting goals, yet they still desire to be healthy, have good relationships, and spend more time with their family. To help you cross the finish line and accomplish your goals, here are some tips that will help you become a doer rather than a dreamer.

Write Your Goals Down on Paper

It's much easier to achieve your goals one-by-one after you've written them down on paper. Most people skip this step because it seems unnecessary to write them down. However, this is the initial and most important step because it makes the goal real and tangible.

In fact, research shows that people who write down their goals achieve 76% of them, whereas those who only think about their goals in their head achieve 43% of them.

Break Big Goals Down into a Series of Smaller Goals

Big goals are intimidating and seem impossible. If Mark Zuckerberg had started out with the goal of having over a billion users on Facebook, it would've been daunting and seemed impossible. Take your bigger, long-term goals and break them down into smaller, achievable goals. Make them so small, that on a daily and weekly basis, you can achieve them. If you don't, you're likely to lose your motivation for achieving your bigger goals. This is something that a life coach can help you with.

Set Multiple Goals

Don't set your goals in only one area of your life. Set financial goals, fitness goals, career goals, health goals, relationship goals, and so on. Set at least one goal in each aspect or area of your life. This will keep you challenged, focused, and growing.

Stay Focused

You have to know exactly what you want to achieve from a certain goal, or you'll flounder and wind up cheat yourself. If you set a goal, you should know that you are bound to it from start to finish. Be ready to face any challenges that come up along the way.

Apply the SMART Goal Approach

SMART is an acronym created by Peter Drucker. Here's what each letter stands for.

  • S-pecific: Your goal must be specific, the more specific the better. It should answer the questions: who, what, where, why, when, how, etc. If your goal can answer these questions, then you have gotten more clarity and you are identifying the exact outcome you're aiming for.
  • M-easurable: Your goal should be measurable so that you can tell whether you're making progress or not, and how quickly.
  • A-ttainable: Your goal should be realistic and attainable. If you have never practiced the guitar, you won't become a rockstar if you'll never pick it up and practice.
  • R-elevant: Your goal should be very meaningful to you. If it's not, then it's not worth pursuing. Attach your goal to your deeper values so that you can get behind it and stay motivated.
  • T-ime bound: You need to create a deadline for your goal so that you can reverse engineer the plan you need to take action on, to achieve it by the date that you have set. Otherwise, if you don't set a deadline for yourself, your dreams won't become reality. Deadlines force you to stay committed.

The more that you set goals, the more that you can achieve them. By setting goals, you will give yourself a sense of direction. This is the reason why some people have been very successful in many areas of their life – because they plan out what they want to achieve. They then take action and execute on their plan.

Success isn't just handed to you, you have to work hard to get it.

And it's never too late to set your goals, so get started today.

Set your goals with a life coach at Life Coach Spotter. Find your coach and learn more about life coaching, especially if you're feeling stuck and want to move forward.

The post The 5 Keys To Setting Goals Like A Champ appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.

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