Monday 29 June 2015

10 Reasons to Love a Friend Who Always Speaks Their Mind

Woman with megaphone.

It seems like we all have one. That friend who says what she’s thinking, no matter where you are or who might be listening.

Blunt friends can wear you out. But they’re also kind of awesome.

Here are 10 reasons to show your straight-talking friends some love.

1. They say what you wish you could say.

Honesty is messy business, but somebody’s got to do it. It’s handy to have a friend who will say what everyone’s thinking. It allows you to feel heard and validated without ever opening your mouth.

2. They don’t worship what people think about them.

People pleasing friends will turn their backs on you when that’s what it takes to fit in. But an authentic friend who speaks his mind is used to bucking trends. He’ll stick by you when fair weather friends have wandered off.

3. They’re more normal than you think.

It’s easy to label blunt friends as “rude” or “uncultured,” but there’s another lens to look through. They’re honest. They’re authentic. And that’s not weird; it’s just different. In a world of posers and followers, friends who speak their mind stand out. Instead of trying to change our friends, sometimes we need to imitate them by being more honest and authentic ourselves.

4. Their compliments mean more because you know they’re real.

Some “friends” are nice to your face and brutal behind your back. Nothing they say really matters because you never know if it’s truthful. But a friend who speaks her mind? Well that’s an opinion you can count on. She doesn’t pass out idle compliments. She says what she means, which makes her meaning mean more.

5. They point out your blind spots.

Casual friends will cheer you on, even when you’re making a terrible mistake. We need brave, honest friends who are willing to give us their perspective and sometimes to challenge our thinking. Trying to succeed at life without an honest friend is like trying to skydive without a parachute. Bad idea.

6. They want what’s best for you.

Just because your friend gives honest feedback doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. He’s just trying to help the best way he knows how. Remembering that can help you discover the value in what he has to say, instead of getting hung up on the way he says it.

7. They’re passionate about doing what’s right.

Straight-talkers are driven by conviction. They believe in saying what needs to be said, even when it’s not popular. This earnest way of life can be a sign of wonderful qualities, such as bravery, commitment, and an appetite for healthy change.

8. They’re not afraid to get a taste of their own medicine.

Friends who speak their mind are sometimes considered rude, but honest conversation is a two-way street. You have the opportunity to be real with them, just like they’re real with you. So speak up! Let them know what you really think.

9. They’re the type of people who change the world.

Cultures have been changed time and again by courageous people who aren’t afraid to share their thoughts. Sometimes, you’ll wish your friend would just keep his mouth shut. But instead of trying to reinvent his personality, give him feedback on how to share his opinions more respectfully. This will make your life more enjoyable, and it will help prepare your friend for a day when his honesty could have a big impact.

10. They’re hard to find.

Guys and gals who speak their minds are a rare breed. Most of us just smile and nod. If you happen to be friends with one of these special people, consider yourself lucky. And let them know how much you value their friendship.

The post 10 Reasons to Love a Friend Who Always Speaks Their Mind appeared first on Lifehack.

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