Wednesday 24 June 2015

21 Things to Remember If You Love a Travel Addict


Loving a travel addict can be challenging, frustrating, lonely, and exhilarating, all at the same time. You have to admire their sense of adventure, but their nomadic lifestyle can also keep you in a worried state.

If these sound like familiar sentiments, you’re not alone. Here are 21 things you need to understand when you love a travel addict:

1. They can’t sit still.

No matter how hard they try, travel addicts can’t sit still. In fact, if they were forced to stay in one place for an extended period of time, they would probably be terribly miserable.

2. They love change.

Travel addicts absolutely love new experiences and the change that comes with them. They’re always looking to try something new.

3. They aren’t poor at managing money.

Despite what you may believe, travel addicts aren’t wasters of money. Among the few things in the world that are truly worth their price tag, cultural travel experiences are among them.

4. They aren’t selfish.

While they may leave you for extended periods of time, it doesn’t mean they no longer love you. It’s their way of re-energizing.

5. They love and appreciate your support.

The fact that you let them travel without holding them back will not be lost on a travel addict. They absolutely love and appreciate the support they get from family and friends.

6. They are more likely to be successful.

Because they thrive outside of comfort zone and don’t mind change, travel addicts are more likely to be successful than the average person.

7. They are more aware.

Travel addicts are much more aware of their surroundings and appreciate the beauty to be found in nature.

8. They are very grateful.

At one time or another, every travel addict finds him or herself in a poor area or third-world country. This provides perspective and instills appreciation of the things they have.

9. They can relax.

People seem to think travel addicts are high-strung individuals who enjoy bouncing off the walls. But many enjoy relaxing; just not at home.

10. They know how to navigate airports.

Ever have a question about airport travel? Travel addicts are extremely proficient at moving quickly through security, baggage claim, registration and ticket purchases, etc.

11. They value reminders of home.

Just because travel addicts love to travel doesn’t mean they hate home. They almost always appreciate small gifts that remind them of home.

12. They can sleep anywhere.

You can tell a travel addict from a normal person by observing his or her sleep habits. A travel addict can sleep anywhere, any time.

13. They don’t get lost.

Travel addicts don’t get lost, they just get off the beaten track. Whenever they find themselves in a different place, they explore before rerouting.

14. They aren’t defined by possessions.

Physical possessions don’t mean much to travel addicts. They almost always prefer experiences ahead of objects.

15. They don’t judge you for not traveling.

As a byproduct of experiencing so many different people and cultures, travel addicts are not judgmental. They’ll let you make your own decisions.

16. They love money as gifts.

Because travel addicts don’t place much emphasis on material possessions, they almost always enjoy gifts in the form of money.

17. They love maps.

Whether it’s a digital GPS or a physical paper, travel addicts love to study maps and fantasize about new places.

18. They hate when people ask about settling down.

There’s nothing more annoying to a travel addict than when somebody asks them when they’re going to be ready to settle down. Traveling is a lifestyle to them, not a phase.

19. They are always looking forward to the next trip.

As soon as a travel addict returns home from a trip, they’re already thinking about the next one. They disdain long lapses between adventures.

20. They don’t mind companions.

There are times when travel addicts enjoy being alone, but more often than not, they don’t mind bringing a companion along for the fun.

21. They are master researchers.

Travel addicts can maneuver travel blogs, websites, books, and magazines like nobody else. They know how to find exactly what they’re looking for.

If you understand these 21 facts, you can relate to the travel addicts in your life better, and truly know where they come from.

The post 21 Things to Remember If You Love a Travel Addict appeared first on Lifehack.

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